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How long were you able to stay?

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    Originally posted by discouraged View Post
    I plan on staying as long as I can. Just received notice from attorney that sheriff's sale is 'pending' the day before I saw the lawyer I finally picked, so with the bk I assume it will be another 6 months at least, time for me to save and get ready to move on. That will also give me time to have as many garage sales as it takes to get rid of the things I don't plan on keeping. I sure won't need the tools I have in an apartment and the other things you accumulate when you are in a house and have room.
    perfect...should put an "auto" stay on the sale!!
    8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


      I'm currently living in a home I stopped making payments on in May 2010. The sheriff's sale is scheduled for 2 days from now - 2/24/11 - and I'm heading out the door after I type this to pay the last of my legal fees to my lawyer so he can file Chapter 7 for me this morning. He said I may a delay of 45 - 60 days here in TN, it really depends on the mortgage and how fast they move (Suntrust Mortgage in my case). He said the mortgage side moves slower than the bank side usually, but you never know. My fingers are crossed that this gets me until the end of June. It's a long shot, I know. But I'm like you, tobee, Suntrust can have it. It's a 10 year old house and needs work (foundation issues!). I haven't been able to save up much money staying there though because nearly all my income has gone to utilities, transportation, and food. We'll be moving into a family member's basement after the sheriff finally evicts us, and I hope to save some then even though I will pay a little to the family member for rent. It is still an overwhelming sense of relief to know this is about to end.
      Filed Chapter 7 on 2/22/11, 341 meeting held 3/30/11, relief of stay on foreclosure 4/12/11, relief of stay on auto 5/17/11, Discharge on 6/6/11!


        I agree with that. After all the tossing and turning trying to figure out ways to keep this upside down house, it is a relief to finally let it go and get on with life.


          Originally posted by Clabbergirl View Post
          I'm currently living in a home I stopped making payments on in May 2010. The sheriff's sale is scheduled for 2 days from now - 2/24/11 - and I'm heading out the door after I type this to pay the last of my legal fees to my lawyer so he can file Chapter 7 for me this morning. He said I may a delay of 45 - 60 days here in TN, it really depends on the mortgage and how fast they move (Suntrust Mortgage in my case). He said the mortgage side moves slower than the bank side usually, but you never know. My fingers are crossed that this gets me until the end of June. It's a long shot, I know. But I'm like you, tobee, Suntrust can have it. It's a 10 year old house and needs work (foundation issues!). I haven't been able to save up much money staying there though because nearly all my income has gone to utilities, transportation, and food. We'll be moving into a family member's basement after the sheriff finally evicts us, and I hope to save some then even though I will pay a little to the family member for rent. It is still an overwhelming sense of relief to know this is about to end.

          best of luck to you!! it will work out i'm certain!!
          8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


            Originally posted by discouraged View Post
            I agree with that. After all the tossing and turning trying to figure out ways to keep this upside down house, it is a relief to finally let it go and get on with life.
            and WE are having the BIGGEST party ever!!!!!!!!!
            8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


              I might change my login name since I'm banking some cold hard cash for a change. I've got 3 more months of free rent under the redemption period. I will hopefully find a rental before it's up. I won't miss my house. Slightly underwater, repairs needed and the prices around us keep going down.


                Our last payment was June 2010, got served in November 2010..and since then - the motion hearing keeps getting pushed back!! First it was 1/20/11, then 3/3/11, and now its scheduled for 4/20/11...seems like we'll be here forever!! As far as i know, this upcoming court date is to file the actual FC judgement, then after that, they'll schedule another court date to set the sale date. Does anyone know if this is correct?! (Discharged chp 7 12/10 - included house) At this point, we're riding thru the FC in hopes to save as much money as possible, but i'm worried that what I THINK is going to happen, isn't true and all of a sudden, one day we'll receive a knock at the door telling us to get out!! And by the way, the only way i even knew about these court dates is thru the circuit courts..and all that says is "motion hearing" I dont need any surprises, so i'm hoping to get some insight about all this...oh and we have GMAC (1st and 2nd) in Wisconsin...


                  Originally posted by youngnbroke View Post
                  Our last payment was June 2010, got served in November 2010..and since then - the motion hearing keeps getting pushed back!! First it was 1/20/11, then 3/3/11, and now its scheduled for 4/20/11...seems like we'll be here forever!! As far as i know, this upcoming court date is to file the actual FC judgement, then after that, they'll schedule another court date to set the sale date. Does anyone know if this is correct?! (Discharged chp 7 12/10 - included house) At this point, we're riding thru the FC in hopes to save as much money as possible, but i'm worried that what I THINK is going to happen, isn't true and all of a sudden, one day we'll receive a knock at the door telling us to get out!! And by the way, the only way i even knew about these court dates is thru the circuit courts..and all that says is "motion hearing" I dont need any surprises, so i'm hoping to get some insight about all this...oh and we have GMAC (1st and 2nd) in Wisconsin...
                  they have to give you time to get out properly, don't they?

                  either way, just get your stuff together and enjoy the free rent!


                    Before I finally gave up I saw a Foreclosure Prevention person at the city. She was very sweet and told me I had to be realistic as I am older and no one appears to be hiring older folks, althoug of course, there is no age discrimination. Yeah. Anyway, she gave me a timeline chart and with MN, once the attorney says they will instigate a sheriff's sale it is another month and then after the sheriff's sale there is a 6 month redemption period.

                    I'm wondering if Wisconsin doesn't have the same type of thing. I'm not certain who you would call or contact for the information. Did you ever get anything about Foreclosure prevention? They really helped me understand the process.


                      Originally posted by discouraged View Post
                      Before I finally gave up I saw a Foreclosure Prevention person at the city. She was very sweet and told me I had to be realistic as I am older and no one appears to be hiring older folks, althoug of course, there is no age discrimination. Yeah. Anyway, she gave me a timeline chart and with MN, once the attorney says they will instigate a sheriff's sale it is another month and then after the sheriff's sale there is a 6 month redemption period.

                      I'm wondering if Wisconsin doesn't have the same type of thing. I'm not certain who you would call or contact for the information. Did you ever get anything about Foreclosure prevention? They really helped me understand the process.
                      Just starting the process, but here are some strategies I picked up from from friends and some research,

                      a. get a lawyer (my friend paid 3k, and stayed in the home for 2+ years) to throw motions to the mortage company that allow you to stay in the property longer. Stuff like "scorched earth" motions, etc. It seemed to have worked for my friend, but it probably "just depends". He seems to have been very lucky.

                      b. work with a friend that does short sales, as this delays the process (but if you are in a BK, then I find this useless).

                      The universal idea that seems to work is to answer any default or foreclosure notices, with demands for proof that they own the loan or demands to be put into another modification. Give them the idea that you want to stay in the home, even if you don't.

                      I think it is best to just keep communicating with them, and then go from there so you don't have any surprises.

                      What does everyone else think?


                        we keep communicating with chase....up until the day we moved out.......left the state....almost 2.5 years passes AFTER our bk...and who comes acallin....CHASE...we just got word you re opened your loan mod application...WHAT ARE YOU NUTS??????????? what is it about the words "vacated the premises" and "SURRENDERED" don't get.....PLUS we have been discharged and CLOSED on our chapter 7 no asset case??

                        well said chase...we just were seeing YOU re-opened the loan mod request.......YOU LIAR!!! i'm NOT even in the state..i'm 1800 miles from that house.....we never re-opened anything with you....chases response...: "well...we were just wondering what are your intentions with the house."..EXCUSE mean YOUR HOUSE.....nothing!!!'s yours...i have requested a deed in lien to no avail......i went the loan mod way...for over a year with absolutely NO answer from you, and we were NOT one of the ones with any missing here's the deal...either you do NOT have the proper docs to foreclosure.....or your just crazy...either not call again.........and have fun at the sheriffs sale...

                        moral of the story....i am beginning to hear the government is going to begin to step in...heard that on cnn yesterday...because the banks are holding all the properties and not foreclosing because of the low market...AND people are staying and not moving and paying no mortgages or apparently, the bank...or really it sounded the government was going to start to make moves to help this housing market get moving again....since the banks don't want to give them up...

                        that may...just may...determine how long one can stay in without paying....however......i remember this....i do know that prior to all this mess ....we knew at least 2 people that did foreclosures in nj....and just the "normal" course took them over 2 years to get the people out...and that was BEFORE all it's anyones guess on this one i would think.

                        looking back...if our circumstances allowed it, we would have stayed as long as save money. but, once again, for us, personally, that was NOT the right way for us to once again it depends on your "long" term plan.

                        just a thought or two!
                        Last edited by tobee43; 02-25-2011, 06:24 AM.
                        8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


                          Originally posted by tobee43 View Post
                          we keep communicating with chase....up until the day we moved out.......left the state....almost 2.5 years passes AFTER our bk...and who comes acallin....CHASE...we just got word you re opened your loan mod application...WHAT ARE YOU NUTS??????????? what is it about the words "vacated the premises" and "SURRENDERED" don't get.....PLUS we have been discharged and CLOSED on our chapter 7 no asset case??

                          well said chase...we just were seeing YOU re-opened the loan mod request.......YOU LIAR!!! i'm NOT even in the state..i'm 1800 miles from that house.....we never re-opened anything with you....chases response...: "well...we were just wondering what are your intentions with the house."..EXCUSE mean YOUR HOUSE.....nothing!!!'s yours...i have requested a deed in lien to no avail......i went the loan mod way...for over a year with absolutely NO answer from you, and we were NOT one of the ones with any missing here's the deal...either you do NOT have the proper docs to foreclosure.....or your just crazy...either not call again.........and have fun at the sheriffs sale...

                          moral of the story....i am beginning to hear the government is going to begin to step in...heard that on cnn yesterday...because the banks are holding all the properties and not foreclosing because of the low market...AND people are staying and not moving and paying no mortgages or apparently, the bank...or really it sounded the government was going to start to make moves to help this housing market get moving again....since the banks don't want to give them up...

                          that may...just may...determine how long one can stay in without paying....however......i remember this....i do know that prior to all this mess ....we knew at least 2 people that did foreclosures in nj....and just the "normal" course took them over 2 years to get the people out...and that was BEFORE all it's anyones guess on this one i would think.

                          looking back...if our circumstances allowed it, we would have stayed as long as save money. but, once again, for us, personally, that was NOT the right way for us to once again it depends on your "long" term plan.

                          just a thought or two!
                          thanks for sharing.

                          It really gives those that are trying to stay in there home more leverage on the loan modification.

                          If they don't want to give a good long term solution, then stay in the home for as long as possible, and then just re-enter the market if you want down the line.

                          The banks know what they are doing, but we do too. At least those of us that frequent these forums.

                          Keep up the good fight folks!


                            espo....LOL!! if i learned's NOT to be intimidated by these horrible excuses for human beings...

                            and if i can help just ONe person not let those BANKS scare them to death or into illness...then i'm a happier person..
                            8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


                              Originally posted by tobee43 View Post
                              espo....LOL!! if i learned's NOT to be intimidated by these horrible excuses for human beings...

                              and if i can help just ONe person not let those BANKS scare them to death or into illness...then i'm a happier person..
                              I hear that. I just updated my financials with my mortgage company and now will await their decision.

                              I do have a small inheritance coming my way, but did not mention this to the mortgage company yet. I was thinking I would mention it if they turn me down for a new forbearance plan. I would use the inheritance as a buffer if I fall behind on a monthly payment.

                              I calculated my current expenses/income with the mortgage company (using the normal mortgage which I am not currently paying) and it shows I am $1,000 under. So if they work out a lower monthly forbearance plan, I hope I can qualify.


                                Originally posted by helpme2010 View Post
                                I hear that. I just updated my financials with my mortgage company and now will await their decision.

                                I do have a small inheritance coming my way, but did not mention this to the mortgage company yet. I was thinking I would mention it if they turn me down for a new forbearance plan. I would use the inheritance as a buffer if I fall behind on a monthly payment.

                                I calculated my current expenses/income with the mortgage company (using the normal mortgage which I am not currently paying) and it shows I am $1,000 under. So if they work out a lower monthly forbearance plan, I hope I can qualify.
                                what scares me about those remember....and try not to let them add hidden costs at the end of the loan...but it's YOU..helpme..and i know you can handle this..
                                8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


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