Chase escrowed my taxes into my mortgage in august WITHOUT NOTIFICATION!!! When I asked them, they said that this was within their rights. Well, I told them that they just made it impossible and I cant pay anything. The thing thats nuts about this is that I live in Michigan, where most of us have lost our jobs- we didn't, nor were we behind on payments, been current forever, the taxes were not escrowed in because we knew we could never pay it that way. Through out the year we pay it off, usually right before or shortly after the new ones come out in July ( as was the plan this year) In aug we still owed between 4-500.00$ thats all, I had been doing it tat way all these years, with now problems with them. A friend who works at as bank manager ( not at chase) said that this is starting to happen more often. WHY!!! Is this true- are we the only ones?? This cant be true. ANYONE. We are going onto our 3rd month of not paying, Yes- I have been talking to them and they take no ownerships, or care! Spooky