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Unplanned change can be difficult to digest; and, this appears to be your biggest hurdle. Throw in a dash of ego ("now everybody knows") and your foreclosure can become increasingly unsettling. It's best to remember life is in flux. I'm sure you've successfully managed change in the past; and, you will conquer this change. Focus on your list of positives and permit this to propel you.
Unlike you, I made the decision to proceed with the foreclosure process. I've learned my Money Pit and I aren't a good match. Despite my excitement to be freed from my house, I've experienced discomfort related to the process. I could consume myself with worries regarding lack of ownership, dealing with a landlord, a potentially different neighborhood in a different house with different comforts and different neighbors, etc. Instead of burdening myself with fear, I'm staying focused on the positive (and my list of positives is similar to your list). I'm not exactly delighted my name with be plastered in local papers; although, I'm not regarding this as a personal failure. I'm surrendering failure; I'm not a failure.
Don't forget, you have choice. Life, as it often does, is handing you change and you will ultimately determine how you handle it. Sometimes we have to adjust our notions of "dream" to coincide with current circumstances. Emphasis oftentimes has to shift. The big backyard with beautiful older trees may not immediately present itself to you; although, it exists. You may initially trade the yard for a wonderful kitchen or a larger savings account. You may learn the yard doesn't truly represent your desires. Or, you may discover the yard reflects your dream and your savings account will aid in providing such. You may feel as if you're being tossed. Trust you're moving forward.
very well said
lost job 4-7-09
filled chap(7) 5-09
missed first mortgage payment 5-09
discharged 8-28-09 (still in house as of 12-3-09)
I went on a job once where they checked my credit report, my credit was great at that time, but I bet now they would throw my resume in the trash. So it's not only peers that look down on people.
I don't understand why we all place so much importance on what other people look down on or think. It keeps us stuck as a society. I finally just took the attitude that those people aren't paying my bills, and they probably have loads of debt and live beyond their means. I look down on them for continuing the charade, living beyond their means, and putting so much emphasis on material crap. Also, if all someone has to do with their time is look down on others for not having a house, then they need to get a life.
I'm looking for a rental and found a good prospect. Now the concern is over our credit. I've talked with private owners about working with me, and they didn't have a problem, but this house that we want is with an agency. They say they understand about foreclosure because so many are going through it now, and that it's not a problem, but I also have a lot of overdue debt to be discharged by Chapter 7. I wonder if they can look past all that.
I got a chance to meet with the owners of the house and they don't have a problem with my bad credit and seem to be very happy to work with me. The house is very nice--much nicer than the one we're being booted out of. There is much more surrounding land than we have. It's very picturesque. By all appearances we would be in a much superiour situation. Yet...the thought of moving there and away from my own more than I can bear sometimes. I would rather stay in my own house with all the flaws and imperfections than someone else's mansion.
INH2 - I feel your pain. We made the decision to walk away from our house in October, and I still get a little sick to my stomach when I see that first unpaid mortgage statement floating around the house or see the mortgage company's number come up on the caller ID. Even though we are probably a year or more from having to actually move out, the logistics of relocating - finding a place we can afford, do we try and stay in town or move out of the school district, what should we try and get rid of and what should we keep, how will we explain to DH's family - all those things keep me up at night. I know it will be better in the long run - same list of positives as in your OP - but it still kind of sucks.