I'm trying to help out a friend. I've been going over her forclosure complaint that includes exhibits with the original Note and Mortgage with shady assignments.
Anyways, I'm in Ohio. Is it customary for an asssignment or transfer of a note to occur in the Endorsement section?
Is is customary for this to occur without it being notarized? Are both parties supposed to sign the endorsement/assignment? As in I'm selling to you I sign, you are buying, you sign. They notary notarizes.
I tried to upload an image of what I'm talking about, but I cannot get it to upload.
Anyways, I'm in Ohio. Is it customary for an asssignment or transfer of a note to occur in the Endorsement section?
Is is customary for this to occur without it being notarized? Are both parties supposed to sign the endorsement/assignment? As in I'm selling to you I sign, you are buying, you sign. They notary notarizes.
I tried to upload an image of what I'm talking about, but I cannot get it to upload.