How difficult did any of you find to rent again after bk? I am still deciding if I want to try to keep up with my house payments. Further compounding my problem (oh, so humbling to write) is that this is my second time around with bk. First time due to divorce and huge, unexpected medical bills and this time all on my own. Really, no credit cards ever again. I get it. 
Anyway, since I was already renting when I filed 8 years ago I did not have to notifiy management about the bk. I paid my rent on time for the entire three years that I lived there. I suppose I will find out when I apply for apartment rentals, but any words of wisdom?
My thought is that I really want to start fresh and move-out. I can't really afford the mortgage and expensive repairs are on the horizon. On the other hand, I don't want my family to be homeless.

Anyway, since I was already renting when I filed 8 years ago I did not have to notifiy management about the bk. I paid my rent on time for the entire three years that I lived there. I suppose I will find out when I apply for apartment rentals, but any words of wisdom?
My thought is that I really want to start fresh and move-out. I can't really afford the mortgage and expensive repairs are on the horizon. On the other hand, I don't want my family to be homeless.
