I'm sure you all remember me posting a thread about a man who wants to buy my house before foreclosure goes through. Well, I looked on my CR and my mortgage lender already states that it is IIB. If the house is foreclosed upon, that couldn't possibly hurt my credit anymore--right. I feel uncomfortable with supplying all the paperwork for this short sale. I've already been through enough with paperwork and legal stuff.
This gentleman needs me to write a hardship letter (as if bk isn't enough), paystubs, tax refunds, blah..blah..blah....I guess I am scared that if I don't do this short sale, then my credit will be absolutely crushed (I know it already is) And according to this man, if I have a bk AND a foreclosure, I will not be able to get another house for SEVEN YEARS!! From everything I have read here, I think he is FULL OF IT! Any comments suggestions? It would be nice to hear from a mortgage expert. Thanks!