We finally received the Complaint to Foreclose Mortgage paperwork from the court (the house is in Illinois.) We were discharged in a Chapter 7, no reaffirmation, but I'm wondering if we will have any responsibility for legal fees (attorney, court costs, etc.) involved with the foreclosure?? In the Complaint, it states that the Plaintiff seeks to include in the judgment the Plaintiff's attorney's fees, costs and expenses. I know they cannot come after us for a deficiency judgment but is it possible they can enter a judgment for Plaintiff's fees? 
We have already moved from the home and will not be filing an answer to the Complaint. We want them to foreclose, the sooner the better.
Thanks in advance!!

We have already moved from the home and will not be filing an answer to the Complaint. We want them to foreclose, the sooner the better.
Thanks in advance!!