I have not made a payment since last June 2008. I have been trying since that time to get a loan modification with IndyMac. I have also worked with Hope Now and faxed, emailed and mailed IndyMac and FDIC to try to get something. IndyMac always said I was not eligible. I filled out paperwork online, over the phone, etc.
So last night, I found out my investor is Fannie Mae, and I was given 20 days to respond to the summons. I filled out my NACA paperwork and will be attending a workshop in Tampa on 4-4-09. I also talked to my Hope Now rep, he suggested calling IndyMac. I did. They offered me a forebearance plan for 3 months. Making payments equal to my mortgage payment for the next three months while they try to modify my loan. Uh.... the reason I cannot pay my mortgage is because it is too high and the taxes have doubled and I have reduced income due to ex-husband not paying child support for one year (lost income $34,200) and using credit cards to pay for the missing money until the credit cards said NO MORE CREDIT!
I don't understand the in-action of IndyMac to try and help me keep my home. I am getting to tired to fight anymore.
Guess it is time to foreclose and start the bankruptcy.
Is it better to foreclose first and then file Chapter 7??
So last night, I found out my investor is Fannie Mae, and I was given 20 days to respond to the summons. I filled out my NACA paperwork and will be attending a workshop in Tampa on 4-4-09. I also talked to my Hope Now rep, he suggested calling IndyMac. I did. They offered me a forebearance plan for 3 months. Making payments equal to my mortgage payment for the next three months while they try to modify my loan. Uh.... the reason I cannot pay my mortgage is because it is too high and the taxes have doubled and I have reduced income due to ex-husband not paying child support for one year (lost income $34,200) and using credit cards to pay for the missing money until the credit cards said NO MORE CREDIT!
I don't understand the in-action of IndyMac to try and help me keep my home. I am getting to tired to fight anymore.
Guess it is time to foreclose and start the bankruptcy.
Is it better to foreclose first and then file Chapter 7??