Originally posted by spearmint
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The payment for my first mortgage along with my deductions puts me under the median income, the only reason I am filing CH13 is to strip my second mortgage. I will end up paying less to my total BK plan than just the payment I have been making on the second. In 5 years I'll be done, hopefully the economy will be righting itself and the market will start creeping upward. If the market stays down for longer than that, well at least I am living somewhere where I am paying towards my future rather than towards somebody else's AND able to write off the mortgage interest. What I have been seeing in my area is that housing sales are WAAAYY down and along with that home values are way down, however the rental market is booming. For me to rent a house equivilent to the home I own (rent from the bank) now would be pretty close to a wash, even worse once you lose the tax benefits of home ownership.
Just something to think about.
As far as a doing a land contract, isn't that really home ownership responsibility without the benefits of home ownership? It seems very risky, potentially expensive with a slim chance of an upside. Maybe I'm missing something, it's been known to happen.