We are in CA, hope you can assist me with some factual answers
As of our 341 Meeting date last week we were already down 90 days late on our Mortgage
1) Which one will come first BK (7) discharge or Foreclosure?
2) We were advised even by HUD to stay in the house until we are forced to vacate or evicted (cash for keys) or until we are able to sort out getting caught up with our payments. We both lost our jobs and who knows...we might find something here soon that can still save our home. The home is currently listed as shortsale. We intend to save the house if we could, if not then it will foreclose. My concern is that will it be so difficult to find a rental home after Foreclosure or a discharged BK? I am so worried about my kids and of course being homeless
3) Lawyers.com says it is a fact that after BK is filed that any income you earn (in our case, if we found jobs) we get to keep. Well, if we found jobs and they were enough to pay our mortgage definitely we will try to reaffirm our mortgage and cars. But what if we found jobs that are small hourly temp jobs that are just sufficient to pay food and some utilities, do we still need to disclose such income to our attorney?
4) Our 341 meeting went ok but because discharge is still 2 months away I am still worried (fear of the unknown). How often do these petitions get rejected or do they even get rejected? If so what would be the instances?
5) Our homeowners insurance is due in March 2008, we need to find money somehow to pay that right? Our 1st half taxes were due in October 2007 and coming due on April 2008- we have no funds to pay our taxes either. Will our house go into auction right away?
6) Lastly i've been seeing "PACER" on some of the threads, what is that? And also what is Chapter 7 - Asset (Is there any other kind?)
Thank you so much for any insights to my questions
We are in CA, hope you can assist me with some factual answers
As of our 341 Meeting date last week we were already down 90 days late on our Mortgage
1) Which one will come first BK (7) discharge or Foreclosure?
2) We were advised even by HUD to stay in the house until we are forced to vacate or evicted (cash for keys) or until we are able to sort out getting caught up with our payments. We both lost our jobs and who knows...we might find something here soon that can still save our home. The home is currently listed as shortsale. We intend to save the house if we could, if not then it will foreclose. My concern is that will it be so difficult to find a rental home after Foreclosure or a discharged BK? I am so worried about my kids and of course being homeless
3) Lawyers.com says it is a fact that after BK is filed that any income you earn (in our case, if we found jobs) we get to keep. Well, if we found jobs and they were enough to pay our mortgage definitely we will try to reaffirm our mortgage and cars. But what if we found jobs that are small hourly temp jobs that are just sufficient to pay food and some utilities, do we still need to disclose such income to our attorney?
4) Our 341 meeting went ok but because discharge is still 2 months away I am still worried (fear of the unknown). How often do these petitions get rejected or do they even get rejected? If so what would be the instances?
5) Our homeowners insurance is due in March 2008, we need to find money somehow to pay that right? Our 1st half taxes were due in October 2007 and coming due on April 2008- we have no funds to pay our taxes either. Will our house go into auction right away?
6) Lastly i've been seeing "PACER" on some of the threads, what is that? And also what is Chapter 7 - Asset (Is there any other kind?)
Thank you so much for any insights to my questions