We are 3 months into a 9month repayment plan, paying 2300 a month, regular payment on adjustable mortgage started at 1400, had adjusted to 1900, then we got behind, agreed to pay 2300 a month for 9 months. Anyway we have been struggling to meet this payment, just this week i had called to meet with a BK attorney to look into chapt 13, foreclsure, etc, when we got a letter yesterday......
This was from our lender, (you can probably guess which one, said "great news, we are temporarily reducing your payment back to our original terms for the next 60 months! " Your payment will now be 1480 a month, this doesn't include your past due amount of 3700 dollars. However call this number, we may be able to roll this into the term of your loan, which would only raise your payment less than 100 a month." Wow, my payment is going to go from 2300 to 1600, wow! This sounded to good to be true.......So I called the lender, the guy said they had reviewed files of several thousand clients like us, saw we were struggling, they want to help us stay in our home, he asked me a few questions, said we should be able to roll our past due into the loan, he would send us confirmation within 10 days. He also said not to make another payment until we recieved the paperwork! Wow, this sounds to good to be true,I asked him what the catch is, because I had asked for similar help several months ago, all they offered was a sort term repayment plan, which was killing us financially. He said, things have changed in the last several months, they are now more willing to look at better options for customers, due to record foreclosures. This all sounds great, but I;m still leery...If we were making the 2300 a month payment, why would they offer such a better deal as long as we were making it (even though we were leeting everyone else hang out to dry to pay the mortgage. Anyway, this is the answer to all of our problems if it's legit. 800 dollar savings a month, will allow us to get our life back, catch up on everything else. Has anyone else heard of any deals offered like this?
This was from our lender, (you can probably guess which one, said "great news, we are temporarily reducing your payment back to our original terms for the next 60 months! " Your payment will now be 1480 a month, this doesn't include your past due amount of 3700 dollars. However call this number, we may be able to roll this into the term of your loan, which would only raise your payment less than 100 a month." Wow, my payment is going to go from 2300 to 1600, wow! This sounded to good to be true.......So I called the lender, the guy said they had reviewed files of several thousand clients like us, saw we were struggling, they want to help us stay in our home, he asked me a few questions, said we should be able to roll our past due into the loan, he would send us confirmation within 10 days. He also said not to make another payment until we recieved the paperwork! Wow, this sounds to good to be true,I asked him what the catch is, because I had asked for similar help several months ago, all they offered was a sort term repayment plan, which was killing us financially. He said, things have changed in the last several months, they are now more willing to look at better options for customers, due to record foreclosures. This all sounds great, but I;m still leery...If we were making the 2300 a month payment, why would they offer such a better deal as long as we were making it (even though we were leeting everyone else hang out to dry to pay the mortgage. Anyway, this is the answer to all of our problems if it's legit. 800 dollar savings a month, will allow us to get our life back, catch up on everything else. Has anyone else heard of any deals offered like this?