My Mom is pretty much judgement proof. She only gets SSI and SS of $643 a month.
We found her an appt and she's walking away (literally from her house). Should we call the Mortgage company and tell them anything and if so what? It's a double wide trailer, very nice, in a nice trailer park, but she's being evicted for non payment of lot rent. The landlord said before she leaves he wants the title to the trailer. Does he have rights to it at all? He owns the trailer park, NOT the mortgage.
Anyway, someone offered to give her $5000 cash and will move the trailer AND take over payments, NOT assume the mortgage. I told her I didn't think that was a good idea, am I right? If they stop paying, she's STILL on the hook for the mortgage right?
We found her an appt and she's walking away (literally from her house). Should we call the Mortgage company and tell them anything and if so what? It's a double wide trailer, very nice, in a nice trailer park, but she's being evicted for non payment of lot rent. The landlord said before she leaves he wants the title to the trailer. Does he have rights to it at all? He owns the trailer park, NOT the mortgage.
Anyway, someone offered to give her $5000 cash and will move the trailer AND take over payments, NOT assume the mortgage. I told her I didn't think that was a good idea, am I right? If they stop paying, she's STILL on the hook for the mortgage right?