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Question about Florida and Homestead Exemption

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    Question about Florida and Homestead Exemption

    I need to put a little time in between me and filing. I have been struggling for years but earlier in the month I went a little crazy with my bank account and gambling (my fault and stupid) I thought I had cleared that up and closed the account but I missed out on a few of the online casino deposits and now my bank account is back in the negative. I want to bring that checking account up to positive before filing (I'm afraid TT will say I spent money that could of went to CC debt to gambling) which I did but I barely made ends meet before (and my intent wasn't fraud I just started gambling online in January and won paid some bigger amounts on CC's and it felt good) 24k cc debt and I make 1600 gross a month bf pitches in about 1000-1400. But he's sick and tired of paying money he works for to my debt. I'm still in shock at what I've done since January with gambling. I wasn't even living paycheck to paycheck before this. I was living next paycheck to next paycheck.

    I stupidly thought I could keep paying off debt this way. I was just desperate. I own my house have a little equity in it. I pay the HELOC on time every month. I know Florida is very lenient when it comes to the homestead and that being protected. I'd file right now if I didn't get stupid back in January/Feb/and beginning of March. I've taken the means test I more than qualify for Chap 7. But I've made such a mess with this gambling. It's done I've stopped. I'll never win I know this now. But for years I struggled paying the debt just getting by. In January when I finally won I thought I found my cure all.

    I'm just terrified. I haven't been honest with myself, my boyfriend, my friends, or here when I've asked questions before, out of embarrassment. I got desperate and screwed up. I just wish I could show the Trustee just how long I struggled before being stupid. But right now what he will look at won't be pretty. I didn't use CC's for gambling but I did use my bank account. Money I work too hard for to be so stupid. Any advice please.

    Again I know I've posted before and have not brought up just what I did with the gambling. I'm sorry for that. I was desperate. It's no excuse and I know that but I just convinced myself I could win and pay off all the debt.

    I've talked with one attorney over phone who made it seem like it should be an easy Chapter 7. I didn't tell him the damage I did with my banking account though. If I try and put time between this will my house be ok?
    Thank You

    Can anyone please offer any advice? I know I should just call the attorney I talked to and see what he has to say but I'm so embarrassed and ashamed. This is anonymous and I feel safer asking here first. I can't sleep. I can't eat. (I've lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks) I've been putting what little extra money I make into getting the bank account back into positive but I have a long way to go. I didn't use credit cards for the gambling just my bank account. The last charge I made on a credit card was 30 dollars back in February. December was the last charge on a another. Most of them it's been years since I've used.

    Please anyone. I'm desperate. I hate to bug but the embarrassment and shame is such and issue for me.


      Originally posted by Jackdog View Post
      Can anyone please offer any advice? I know I should just call the attorney I talked to and see what he has to say but I'm so embarrassed and ashamed. This is anonymous and I feel safer asking here first. I can't sleep. I can't eat. (I've lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks) I've been putting what little extra money I make into getting the bank account back into positive but I have a long way to go. I didn't use credit cards for the gambling just my bank account. The last charge I made on a credit card was 30 dollars back in February. December was the last charge on a another. Most of them it's been years since I've used.

      Please anyone. I'm desperate. I hate to bug but the embarrassment and shame is such and issue for me.

      Stop beating yourself up. Please. There isn't a human being alive who hasn't done something stupid. that that has been used your own money to gamble, not a credit card company money. Many posters here have done the same thing and I can't recall one instance in which a trustee took them to task over it. Go ahead and make an appointment with an attorney and I think you'll have your fears alleviated.

      You should also call one of the gambler anonymous agencies in your area and seek some help for your addiction. I think it will benefit you greatly down the road..
      Filed Chapter 13 02/2006 - Confirmed 05/2006 - Discharged 09/2011
      I'm not an attorney. My replies are merely suggestions or observations, not legal advice. As always, consult with an attorney before making any decisions.


        Thank you. I feel better knowing that even though it was stupid since I used my own money it shouldn't be an issue. I was looking at GA places around town. The weird thing is though. I haven't gambled in close to 3 weeks. I don't have the urge at all. I still have a few dollars here and there on sites and I just don't feel like it. I still think I will look into GA. I'm lucky in the respect that it's not something I ever really did before January. I think online is rigged now also and the closest casino to me is 3 hour trip I've never gone and I don't think my car would make it anyway.

        Thank You again.


          I've never heard of someone being in trouble w/ the trustee because of poor decisions in using their funds. We all have in one way or another.
          Get mortgage modified: DONE! 7 months of back interest payments amortized, payment reduced over $200/mo
          (In the 'planning' stage, to file ch. 13 if/when we have to.)


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