I just received a couple of 1099-C's, code G; these represent my last outstanding debt with crapitalone. This 1099 was for a credit card debt that had increased to $4200.00 with default interest and fees. The non-interest, fully principle amount loaned to me was $823.00. This was the amount on the 1099-C.
Crapitalone has issued all four of my 1099_C's during the year when the SOL will expire. I was sued for one c1 card and paid the suit off via wage garnishment. I am now free-and-clear of C1!
I wonder how many credit card companies wait until you are within the SOL to issue a 1099-C. I do know that on the 1099-C there is a code for "uncollectable due to SOL." Has anyone ever received that code? LOL
Crapitalone has issued all four of my 1099_C's during the year when the SOL will expire. I was sued for one c1 card and paid the suit off via wage garnishment. I am now free-and-clear of C1!
I wonder how many credit card companies wait until you are within the SOL to issue a 1099-C. I do know that on the 1099-C there is a code for "uncollectable due to SOL." Has anyone ever received that code? LOL