What takes precidence a judgement from a secured creditor or a secure creditor with a UCC (with certain assests)? I will be filling non consumer 7 in the next few months.
I have $5000 left in biz account and had a Duces Tecum in Aid of Execution today. Took 1 1/2 hrs (reporter said it was the longest she's seen). The attorney asked for EVERYTHING (personal and biz) to be copied! 2years of bank statements, taxes, bill of sale for car, P7L, Balance sheet.
Should I let him just take the $5000 or give it to another secured creditor?
I have $5000 left in biz account and had a Duces Tecum in Aid of Execution today. Took 1 1/2 hrs (reporter said it was the longest she's seen). The attorney asked for EVERYTHING (personal and biz) to be copied! 2years of bank statements, taxes, bill of sale for car, P7L, Balance sheet.
Should I let him just take the $5000 or give it to another secured creditor?