I hope someone can chime in on this Des or anyone else...spouse ALONE filed Ch 13. We have about 48K in IRS back taxes (underwithheld, 401k withdrawals to pay bills) - Ch 13 proposed plan provides 100% payback at more/mo than pre-Ch 13 monthly payment to IRS>
Today (as i've read online at IRS.gov their Ch 13 manual) I receive a letter from a local insolvency manager - that a) this doesn't absolve me from joint liability (I knew that), b) interes/penalties for me continue to accrue (knew that),
and c) - IRS MAY take collection action against you during and after the BK case. Payments made by SPOUSE or the BK trustee during BK MAY be credited to SPOUSE's sole liabilities (if any - there are none) rather than joint liabilities yuo owe.
YOu may pay your joint liability in full, or submit partial payments at any time.
If you have any further questions, etc etc.
SO...is my goose cooked? The amount/mo they'll (eventually) be getting from trustee is MORE than what they had agreed with me.
Do you all think that this means that they WILL try and collect? Or will they wait and see what $$ comes ultimately from Trustee? Atty said when we filed 13, oh they'll leave you alone till after BK.
NOW - I cannot afford paying IRS and Ch 13 - although there is 401k I can decrease to pay IRS....
SO - I'm emailing this to atty first thing tomorrow - BUT do you guys think should I call IRS? Should I try to pay (really can't)....
AND I'm filing Ch 7 in about 3 months, and about $6K is dischargeable.
Any thoughts???
Just when I relaxed for a moment....
Today (as i've read online at IRS.gov their Ch 13 manual) I receive a letter from a local insolvency manager - that a) this doesn't absolve me from joint liability (I knew that), b) interes/penalties for me continue to accrue (knew that),
and c) - IRS MAY take collection action against you during and after the BK case. Payments made by SPOUSE or the BK trustee during BK MAY be credited to SPOUSE's sole liabilities (if any - there are none) rather than joint liabilities yuo owe.
YOu may pay your joint liability in full, or submit partial payments at any time.
If you have any further questions, etc etc.
SO...is my goose cooked? The amount/mo they'll (eventually) be getting from trustee is MORE than what they had agreed with me.
Do you all think that this means that they WILL try and collect? Or will they wait and see what $$ comes ultimately from Trustee? Atty said when we filed 13, oh they'll leave you alone till after BK.
NOW - I cannot afford paying IRS and Ch 13 - although there is 401k I can decrease to pay IRS....
SO - I'm emailing this to atty first thing tomorrow - BUT do you guys think should I call IRS? Should I try to pay (really can't)....
AND I'm filing Ch 7 in about 3 months, and about $6K is dischargeable.
Any thoughts???
Just when I relaxed for a moment....
