Four months behind on credit card payments now. Retired so no wages to garnished. Getting paper checks so no bank accounts to take. Lease automobile. Household goods are under exempted amounts in Washington State. But do own a home but currently has no equity and the way it's going I would have to take a check to the bank at closing to sell the home. I owe Bank of America, Chase, PNC, local credit union, Citi, US Bank, and USAA. A month ago, Bank of America turned my two accounts with them over to a collection agency. I sent them a cease and desist letter and they have not called me since receiving that letter. In fact all phone calls are way down to maybe 1 to 2 a day. I am thinking that when most of these companies turn these accounts over to the collection agencies the phone calls will greatly pick up again. I am ready to sent out C & D letters when the calls start.
Question: Ok, one or several of these companies will get judgments against me. I may have to attend a Debtors exam or two but what effect what these judgments have on me? I don't see anything that they could take. A lot of folks on these boards believe a judgment is the kiss of death, I may be wrong but in my situation I don't see it that way. ( I have offer settlements but can't even get a reply from the banks) Maybe it's to soon. I know this is going to sound funny, but I can't see filing for a chapter 13 and paying for the next five years when maybe that's all the time I have left. Everybody's situation is different, mind is. I don't care about having credit or credit scores. I plan on staying in this house until I leave for the old folks home.
Question: Ok, one or several of these companies will get judgments against me. I may have to attend a Debtors exam or two but what effect what these judgments have on me? I don't see anything that they could take. A lot of folks on these boards believe a judgment is the kiss of death, I may be wrong but in my situation I don't see it that way. ( I have offer settlements but can't even get a reply from the banks) Maybe it's to soon. I know this is going to sound funny, but I can't see filing for a chapter 13 and paying for the next five years when maybe that's all the time I have left. Everybody's situation is different, mind is. I don't care about having credit or credit scores. I plan on staying in this house until I leave for the old folks home.