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Creditors unreal suggestion!!

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    Creditors unreal suggestion!!

    I had a creditor of mine GE money suggest that I use my husbands cc since I am an authorized user to pay my balance!!!! I told him NO and that would be immoral and illegal. My husband would freak out if I did that. I never would use his credit without his permission. Has anyone else ever have this happen?

    There is no end to what those people will suggest. You should have asked him (the CA) if you could use HIS cc to pay your balance.


      Credit card companies are nothing more than blood-sucking bastards who don't care who you rob, maim or kill - just so long as they get their money. Some have gone to unbelievable lengths to harass, scare and frighten people into paying them. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them could be classified as terrorists. This doesn't surprise me at all.
      Filed Ch. 7 11/8/10: Survived 341 Meeting 12/13/10 Report of No Distribution!! 12/14/10Received UST Presumption of Abuse!! 12/15/10 UST states Dismissal is Inappropriate! DISHARGED!! 2/22/11


        I am not surprise.


          Typical GE Money. WHen their very rude person called me, he asked if I had retirement funds to borrow, or another credit card to charge their bill to. I told him he was on crack...why would I run up cards, if I had them. I asked what made him think that they would approve me, considering GE turned me down for access to my credit line (I had 3K free, asked for 500, and was not only denied but my CL was cut. That was when they made the "do not pay" list.)

          Here is what I found out: They will hire bad collectors who violate six ways to Sunday and will allow you to make a few extra bucks suing them. They will eventually hire Zwicker. They hate arbitration now that the kangaroo named NAF is shut down and it will cost more than I ever owed to arbitrate. But because we are there, they can't sue me now...or ever.
          First consult: You go now, no CH 7 for you. You spent entire buffet. 13 has a 95 percent payback. (Owwwch) On to next consult....


            I've had female clients tell me that debt collectors have suggested that they prostitute themselves to make money to pay the debts.

            I have heard them tell people that they needed to make arrangements to have their kids taken care of because in 3 days they were going to jail for their debts.

            No, nothing they say surprises me.
            Pay no attention to anything I post. I graduated last in my class from a fly-by-night law school that no longer exists; I never studied or went to class; and I only post on internet forums when I'm too drunk to crawl away from the computer.


              Originally posted by MSbklawyer View Post
              I've had female clients tell me that debt collectors have suggested that they prostitute themselves to make money to pay the debts.

              I have heard them tell people that they needed to make arrangements to have their kids taken care of because in 3 days they were going to jail for their debts.

              No, nothing they say surprises me.
              Had the same thing implied although not overtly stated. Unfortunately for them, I recorded the call and hired a lawyer. They had a check in his hand within three weeks of his letter.

              Bank of AMerica is notorious for outrageous too; one of my good friends (with a new baby) fell behind and I told her food on the table and a roof over the head was more important. They told her to blow off her mortgage payment and that a human baby could go without food for a few days without harm.

              So I guess they are medical and nutritional experts too...
              First consult: You go now, no CH 7 for you. You spent entire buffet. 13 has a 95 percent payback. (Owwwch) On to next consult....


                My boyfriend answered the phone and one collector for a bank said they were going to send a over lawyer and a sheriff. BF said he hoped they'd send "Andy Taylor" over because he'd like to meet him :-)

                This was about 2 weeks after I had filed for BK. The collector kept trying to deny he'd received notice, which was not true since that creditor definitely was listed. Well, then they never called again.

                Nothing surprises me with these people either.


                  Originally posted by merime View Post
                  I had a creditor of mine GE money suggest that I use my husbands cc since I am an authorized user to pay my balance!!!! I told him NO and that would be immoral and illegal. My husband would freak out if I did that. I never would use his credit without his permission. Has anyone else ever have this happen?
                  Yes, a similar thing happened to me. Several years ago, a junk debt buyer bought one of my huge charged off Visa card accounts and called me and unfortunately, I answered the phone. They looked at my credit report while I was on the phone with them and saw that I was an authorized user on a Discover Card account. They wanted to transfer my $12,000 balance to that credit card. That Discover Card was my father's credit card and he made me an authorized user for emergency purposes only, since I no longer had any usable credit cards of my own. The debt collector told me that since I was an authorized user on the account, all I had to do was give them my verbal agreement to bill that card for $12,000, and they would do it right over the phone. I told her "No" and she began to yell about how they were going to sue me and so forth. Well, it has been several years since then, and still lawsuits from them.

                  If I had used that authorized user card for that, I could never look my Dad in the face again. There was no way I was going to do that.
                  The world's simplest C & D Letter:
                  "I demand that you cease and desist from any communication with me."
                  Notice that I never actually mention or acknowledge the debt in my letter.


                    I agree with GoingDown. I did say to them " how would you like it if your wife did that", "its immoral and illegal probably too!!


                      Originally posted by MSbklawyer View Post
                      I've had female clients tell me that debt collectors have suggested that they prostitute themselves to make money to pay the debts.

                      I have heard them tell people that they needed to make arrangements to have their kids taken care of because in 3 days they were going to jail for their debts.

                      No, nothing they say surprises me.
                      Sorry for the thread drift, but I adore your signature line!
                      A fresh start is a beautiful thing. And I'm not an attorney, just opinionated!


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