2 votes ventriloquism; 2 votes "Yuk! Ventriloquism really creeps me out."
Debbie, I didn't write that and don't put words in my mouth. I think maybe you have a problem with somebody else. Don't bring that baggage here. If you're afraid of looking inadequate aside others, it's like the free market: just improve. But don't come here pretending your feelings were hurt because I didn't "grade" you too. That's just really backwards. Some people, perhaps because of past traumas bring that same baggage to new, well-intentioned users. Leave your bags at the door. Don't come telling people not to "grade" you because you're afraid your answers won't measure up (in your mind). That's just ...weird.
Also when you wrote Debbie
, that's the only insult I see in the entire thread. You see, you're actually creating problems where none previously existed, and you keep pushing. Don't insult my posts. If there's a post you don't like or it's "too long" for you, don't answer it. But don't come "grading" my post...to use your term. How ironic.
Not my words. If I was going to say these types of things, I'd say "Your answer is LAME and your answer is WORTHLESS!" If you read what I wrote in response to your answer, you'll see I took some extra time and thoughtfulness to write, simply, "Nice job. THANKS, and thanks esp for the dose of reality." Those are very kind words. If someone said something nice to me like that, it would make my day. In fact, if everyone said one nice thing like that to a stranger every day, this world would be a lot better place. I won't apologize for complimenting you. By the way, I still appreciate your answer. 
Debbie, your comments above are less appreciated.
If you think an answer is lame
Also when you wrote Debbie
F2B went to a lot of trouble to answer your first novel, I mean, post
What is useful to you may be worthless to others and visa-versa

Debbie, your comments above are less appreciated.
