It is completely ethical for them to call 7, 8 or 10 times a day. How are they to know if you aren't answering because you are not home or you are using Caller ID to duck them. They have a duty to attempt to get in contact with you to get the money that is owed to them. Their obligation isn't to the debtor who welched on the promise/contract that they made (And I've been there, done that. I welched on plenty of debt. I was nervous, scared and certain they were coming to take my television, first born and the dust from my wallet.) their obligation is to the lender.
If they call and find the number disconnected then they recommend that the OC take the only action still at their disposal... filing suit. You signed the contract, made the promise or ran up the debt. Now man up (or woman up) and have the stones to tell them face to face (okay over the phone) that yes you are the person they are looking for and you won't be writing them a check.
It gets easier after the first time you tell one of those low life Junk Debt Buyers to kiss your butt.
If they call and find the number disconnected then they recommend that the OC take the only action still at their disposal... filing suit. You signed the contract, made the promise or ran up the debt. Now man up (or woman up) and have the stones to tell them face to face (okay over the phone) that yes you are the person they are looking for and you won't be writing them a check.
It gets easier after the first time you tell one of those low life Junk Debt Buyers to kiss your butt.