since im not going to answer they complaint, i imagine the default judgment is days away.
my goal is to file bk in approx 2 months.
so, what happens now? and whats the time frame for whatever happens.
do i have to be notified of what they are doing? i presume they will seek out my wage info (none), bank account info (under $50), IRA info (exempted), and other asset info. what if i have $1000 in my wallet for example, how can they find out i have that and then take part of it?
is it a certainty that in the next few weeks i will get "interrogatories" delivered to my door to answer? (and will i have to pay to answer those too??)
as ive said in previous posts, my only sizable assets are my small IRA and about $3000-ish in positive equity in my car (state bk exemption for car is $5000) for which I still have a loan and am current on. plus of course, some cash on hand that i will use for final expenses and attorney fees before filing bk.
my goal is to file bk in approx 2 months.
so, what happens now? and whats the time frame for whatever happens.
do i have to be notified of what they are doing? i presume they will seek out my wage info (none), bank account info (under $50), IRA info (exempted), and other asset info. what if i have $1000 in my wallet for example, how can they find out i have that and then take part of it?
is it a certainty that in the next few weeks i will get "interrogatories" delivered to my door to answer? (and will i have to pay to answer those too??)
as ive said in previous posts, my only sizable assets are my small IRA and about $3000-ish in positive equity in my car (state bk exemption for car is $5000) for which I still have a loan and am current on. plus of course, some cash on hand that i will use for final expenses and attorney fees before filing bk.