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Atlanta GA - Consumer Lawyer Referral

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    Atlanta GA - Consumer Lawyer Referral

    Hello to everyone.. It has been a while since my last posting here at BKForums.

    I wanted to share this information with all of you that may be in or near the Atlanta GA area. I was recently "served" a summons from Portfolio Recovery Associates for an old Capital One debt that they had bought.

    I went through every avenue and was going to fight this one myself. It amazed me at the number of solicitations I received in the mail from local law firms telling me all about BK 7 & 13. However, one stood out from all of the others.

    Pekore & Associates sent me a letter and told me right off they were NOT a BK firm. Their letter said they could help and even said on a contingency basis. So, I called them up and went to actually meet with them a few days later. I even took a friend with me who was also served on a very old debt.

    They reviewed both of our cases and said they would represnet us, file all of the answer and would even counter-sure them on our bahalf. After asking a million questions, we both agreed to move forward with their representation.

    The ONLY fee they charged us was TEN DOLLARS!!

    They absolutely despise how collection agencies and junk debt buyers treat the consumer and told us that one firm in the Atlanta area (Hanna & Assoc) file over 10k cases per month and showed me where Portfolio filed over 20 the same day they filed mine. What is even more sad is the fact that over 90% of those served will do nothing, get a default judgement and then have their bank acct and/or wages garnished (if not both).

    Trust me, I am in NO WAY associated with them, but I believe in them and what they stand for. I feel that they were there to help me and I shall tell the masses about what they did for me.

    For reference, their website is: (removed by moderator)

    You can talk with either Lonnie, Chuck or David when you call
    Last edited by Flamingo; 05-25-2010, 12:38 PM. Reason: Link removed - against forum rules

    BK7 Filed : 01/29/2006
    341 Completed : 03/06/2006
    Deadline For Objections: 05/05/2006
    Discharged : 06/30/2006
    Case Closed : 06/30/2006

    Pretty sure you just violated the T.O.S.


      Doesn't this guy's siggy say he filed BK in 2006 and was discharged? Looks like someone's handle got hijacked.
      First consult: You go now, no CH 7 for you. You spent entire buffet. 13 has a 95 percent payback. (Owwwch) On to next consult....


        Yeah, the whole post sounds like a cheesy late night infomercial, ONLY $10!!!!!!


          But wait, theres more...if you order in the next nine minutes and 44 seconds, we will throw in a set of Ginsu knives, a Slap Chop, a ShamWow and a copy of all of Kevin Trudeau's books that "they" don't want you to know about. All you pay is shipping and handling. Order now!
          First consult: You go now, no CH 7 for you. You spent entire buffet. 13 has a 95 percent payback. (Owwwch) On to next consult....


            LOL @ Flyinbroke - I think I saw all of those things in the 'as seen on TV' aisle at Walgreen's on Saturday. For sure saw the ShamWow & SlapChop.
            Get mortgage modified: DONE! 7 months of back interest payments amortized, payment reduced over $200/mo
            (In the 'planning' stage, to file ch. 13 if/when we have to.)


              OK.. I posted that as an experience I had last week.. You all took it and threw it out the window. I was simply stating that I was in a bind, looking for a solution and found a great law firm locally that was willing to help me. You all took it and just blasted it.

              MODS, I did not intend to violate TOS.. If I did (and a MOD can tell me if so), please accept my apologies and remove the thread completely.

              I do not appreciate someone saying a post looks like a late night infommercial. So rude and absolutely uncalled for.

              Again, I was simply sharing MY experience and hoping I could help someone else that may be in need.

              With that said, have a great day!

              BK7 Filed : 01/29/2006
              341 Completed : 03/06/2006
              Deadline For Objections: 05/05/2006
              Discharged : 06/30/2006
              Case Closed : 06/30/2006


                Originally posted by gacreditguy View Post
                OK.. I posted that as an experience I had last week.. You all took it and threw it out the window. I was simply stating that I was in a bind, looking for a solution and found a great law firm locally that was willing to help me. You all took it and just blasted it.
                Your post sounded like a commercial for the law firm. What would be more useful and interesting is explaining WHY they chose to take your case on a contingency basis. What are they counter suing for? Was this a zombie debt past the SOL or a debt discharged in your 2006 bankruptcy?

                Consumer law firms that will work on a contingency basis are wonderful for abused debtors. But they won't take a case unless they are certain they will win and recover their legal fees. So how about some more information?
                “When fascism comes to America, it’ll be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross” — Sinclair Lewis


                  Originally posted by gacreditguy View Post
                  OK.. I posted that as an experience I had last week.. You all took it and threw it out the window. I was simply stating that I was in a bind, looking for a solution and found a great law firm locally that was willing to help me. You all took it and just blasted it.

                  MODS, I did not intend to violate TOS.. If I did (and a MOD can tell me if so), please accept my apologies and remove the thread completely.

                  I do not appreciate someone saying a post looks like a late night infommercial. So rude and absolutely uncalled for.

                  Again, I was simply sharing MY experience and hoping I could help someone else that may be in need.

                  With that said, have a great day!

                  I find it hard to believe that all of the sudden, you had this epiphany almost 4 years after your discharge to make this post. Nonetheless, despite your intentions, you are turning the forum section into a advertisement area. The website already has ads on it for attorneys, they make money by doing that.


                    Originally posted by optimistic1 View Post
                    I find it hard to believe that all of the sudden, you had this epiphany almost 4 years after your discharge to make this post. Nonetheless, despite your intentions, you are turning the forum section into a advertisement area. The website already has ads on it for attorneys, they make money by doing that.
                    find it hard to believe what you will.. My info on my bk was from 06. this is a collector coming after me for a discharged debt.. yes, they took it on a contigency basis because they knew they would be able to (1) recoup their fees (2) countersue on a few different things (3) and most importantly, get this away from me. It was not because of the bk they took it, they took it because they know how these zombie debt collector and junk debt buyers treat the consumers and they are sick of it.

                    if this sounded like an infomercial, I apologize. but, I will admit that I was on cloud nine when they took my case and I paid a small sum.

                    please, dont think I am someone trying to push a law firm.. I read many stories where people answered and tried to defend themselves in court and some were successful and many were not. I was scarfed to answer alone and everyone else was simply saying BK BK BK... I am not eligible for a bk 7, not even a bk 13 right now (not 4 years out from discharge yet). This was the only firm that sent me anything saying they were willing to listen and took cases on contingency.

                    I am glad I found them.. again, truly sorry if it sounded commercial.. I assure it was not. so many here helped me when I went through bk 7, I just wanted to share a great resource for those who may be able to use it (in return for all that help and advise).

                    Thanks, Kevin

                    BK7 Filed : 01/29/2006
                    341 Completed : 03/06/2006
                    Deadline For Objections: 05/05/2006
                    Discharged : 06/30/2006
                    Case Closed : 06/30/2006


                      Ok I guess I believe you now, Kevo.

                      Next time, just read over the TOS, I am even guilty of violating it and have received infractions.


                        Originally posted by optimistic1 View Post
                        Ok I guess I believe you now, Kevo.

                        Next time, just read over the TOS, I am even guilty of violating it and have received infractions.
                        No problem at all my friend. I do hope my post will provide those in a similar situation a resource that is reputable. Thanks so much!

                        BK7 Filed : 01/29/2006
                        341 Completed : 03/06/2006
                        Deadline For Objections: 05/05/2006
                        Discharged : 06/30/2006
                        Case Closed : 06/30/2006


                          Case update

                          Portfolio caved under the presure of my atty. Case being dismissed with prejudice.. I will never hear from them abotu this again. Oh yeah, they also have to pay several times more to the atty than they were actually suing me for.. I LOVE IT

                          BK7 Filed : 01/29/2006
                          341 Completed : 03/06/2006
                          Deadline For Objections: 05/05/2006
                          Discharged : 06/30/2006
                          Case Closed : 06/30/2006


                            Thanks for the information, Kevin. He's not wrong about Fred Hanna and the rest. You would be amazed (or not) at the sheer volume of crap they file in court. I'm not sure the courts would survive at all without all those filing fees!

                            I actually don't find it that hard to believe that an attorney could find a niche in going after BK-discharge-violators. Georgia is full of sloppy, lazy, corrupt creditors and they have plenty of lawyers just as bad. Beating them would probably only require marginally more competence (not drooling on the pleadings, I suppose) and would be awfully satisfying.
                            Filed non-consumer no asset Chapter 7 on 7-12-10 after 4 foreclosures, 7 lawsuits including 2 deficiencies, 2 wage garnishments, a bank garnishment and a partridge in a pear tree. 341 held on 8-11-10. Discharge 11-4-10.


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