These creditor calls in the a.m. are becoming like an alarm clock.
I'm keeping a log of who (according to caller id) calls when, and when I FIRST spoke to an actual human. If I have talked to said human, I'm not answering more calls from the same company. (Amusing side note on how many DIFFERENT phone numbers the same creditor can others have pointed out here, Google is your friend....)
Anyway...I do remain confused by what you can demand from the OC vs. CAs (the latter of which I hope is still months away, by which time I hope to have retained atty.)
Can I tell an OC -- after speaking for first time and verifying I'm me, yeah that's my phone, yeah that's my account -- "do NOT phone me at home or on my cellphone again, just email me"?? I am not even 60 days late on one card yet.
GEMoney is the most persistent in terms of volume of calls and a one-two punch to home phone, then cellphone. BofA calls a lot too. HSBC told me upfront they'd call once a week and they do, and the reps still are very nice and non-aggressive. The two reps (from GE and Wells F Financial) who have been pushy and talk "over" me have both been young women. Don't know why that surprises me but it does.
Thanks as always.
P.S. (Have job interview Monday -- cross your fingers, pray, offer some sacrifice
-- whatever good karma you can send!)
I'm keeping a log of who (according to caller id) calls when, and when I FIRST spoke to an actual human. If I have talked to said human, I'm not answering more calls from the same company. (Amusing side note on how many DIFFERENT phone numbers the same creditor can others have pointed out here, Google is your friend....)
Anyway...I do remain confused by what you can demand from the OC vs. CAs (the latter of which I hope is still months away, by which time I hope to have retained atty.)
Can I tell an OC -- after speaking for first time and verifying I'm me, yeah that's my phone, yeah that's my account -- "do NOT phone me at home or on my cellphone again, just email me"?? I am not even 60 days late on one card yet.
GEMoney is the most persistent in terms of volume of calls and a one-two punch to home phone, then cellphone. BofA calls a lot too. HSBC told me upfront they'd call once a week and they do, and the reps still are very nice and non-aggressive. The two reps (from GE and Wells F Financial) who have been pushy and talk "over" me have both been young women. Don't know why that surprises me but it does.
Thanks as always.
P.S. (Have job interview Monday -- cross your fingers, pray, offer some sacrifice