I haven't even filed yet (or stopped paying any CCs yet) but getting phone calls all day is the thing I fear MOST....Really. (And I can't just quit my landline because my Internet DSL is tied to it. )
I see comments here about telling the callers "that it is inconvenient to have them call and to only contact (debtor) in writing." I'm utterly confused about this.
Does this apply to the Original Creditors? Can you really just tell them on the phone "stop calling me?" (!!)
What exactly is the Debt Validation letter people refer to sending...but doesn't that apply only to the collection agencies and not the OCs?
I haven't really found a "step by step" approach on this subject of handling creditor calls here, so forgive me if it's been discussed ad infinitum.
Cliff Notes: I have open CCs with Chase, Bank of Am, Discover, HSBC, Target Visa, JCPenney MasterCard, Amex and a closed Citibank that I recently realized I am still paying off after 10 years!!!! Total CC debt is about $41K.
Also small amounts with Macy's and Kohl's, and a Wells Fargo Financial loan (about $430 balance left) that I may pay off to hopefully avoid trouble with my name on my _mother's Wells Fargo checking/savings account. (She is in a nursing home and I pay her bills; she is also legally blind.)
Which of the above CCs is the most likely to be the most constant, demanding caller? Just wondering. Also, possibly dumb question, but does it make any difference whatsoever if a card is a Visa or MasterCard?
Thanks so much. (P.S. I'm in Houston TX if that matters at all.)
I see comments here about telling the callers "that it is inconvenient to have them call and to only contact (debtor) in writing." I'm utterly confused about this.
Does this apply to the Original Creditors? Can you really just tell them on the phone "stop calling me?" (!!)
I haven't really found a "step by step" approach on this subject of handling creditor calls here, so forgive me if it's been discussed ad infinitum.
Cliff Notes: I have open CCs with Chase, Bank of Am, Discover, HSBC, Target Visa, JCPenney MasterCard, Amex and a closed Citibank that I recently realized I am still paying off after 10 years!!!! Total CC debt is about $41K.
Also small amounts with Macy's and Kohl's, and a Wells Fargo Financial loan (about $430 balance left) that I may pay off to hopefully avoid trouble with my name on my _mother's Wells Fargo checking/savings account. (She is in a nursing home and I pay her bills; she is also legally blind.)
Which of the above CCs is the most likely to be the most constant, demanding caller? Just wondering. Also, possibly dumb question, but does it make any difference whatsoever if a card is a Visa or MasterCard?
Thanks so much. (P.S. I'm in Houston TX if that matters at all.)