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Almost arrested because of bad check from State

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    Almost arrested because of bad check from State

    Last week I got 2 letters from the State claiming I owe more taxes. The 2 letters had difference reference numbers and the amount for one was 2 cents more then the other. The letters claimed I had ignored previous letters and if I don't pay NOW, they were going to do bad things to me. I tried calling them and of course nobody answers the phones so I went there in person.

    I got to see one woman and she told me they were the same letters, only off by 2 cents. What? She said I didn't understand. Okay.

    Then I once more mentioned that the 2 letters said they had sent me previos letters which I had ignored. She claimed I didn't understand. According to her, these letters I just received were form letters. I looked at the letters and noticed nothing would indicate they were form letters. So once more I asked her for copies of the letters they had sent. The woman claimed I didn't understand. I asked her what did I not understand? She claimed they had not sent me any letters. She said the letters in my hand were the letters they sent me. Therefore when the letter said I had ignored previous letters, it was in effect the two letters I had just received. Circular thinking?

    At this time, the woman demanded full payment. I said to her I would like to know what I am suppose to be paying. She claimed I had bounced a check and demanded full payment. I told her I didn't bounce a check and wanted proof of what the charge is all about. At this time she once more demanded full payment. I said Why are you demanding payment when I am trying to find out what the charge is. At this point she said she couldn't talk to me any more and left.

    I went out to the main desk and asked the woman at the counter that I wanted to see a supervisor.

    Next the police showed up.

    Then the supervisor showed up.

    The supervisor said the person out in front, plus the person I was speaking to, had filed complaints against me. Great, that is all I need. So once more I represented my case and she claimed I must pay.

    I asked her have other people got double billings like I did and if the billings looked like 2 different bills. She said YES. I asked her if other people have complained about such double billing. She said YES. I asked her if they have done anything to correct the matter. She said NO. I looked over and the cop was laughing his head off.

    I asked her if others had gotten letters claiming they had ignored previous letters when in effect, no such letters were ever sent out. She said YES. I asked her if other people have complained. She said YES. I asked her if they have done anything to correct the matter. She said NO. Once more I looked over and the cop was breaking up.

    Afterwards, I asked the cop that I wanted a copy of the statement from the employee out in front. He wanted to know what for. I told him she filed a false report and I want to file charges. I also told him I would like copies of the tape from the cameras. Aaaaah, he didn't know what to say.

    Today, I returned with my bank statements. I told the person I had not bounced any checks so where did the charge come from?

    They came back once more and said I bounced a check. I told them NO. She said YES. I told her I paid that bill with a check I had gotten from the State for over paying on a previous bill. It turned out their check bounced and then they turned around and had the nerve to want me to pay for it!

    The woman acknowledged what had happened and said she would try to clear up the mess. What? You know what happened, so what is the problem? She didn't know what to do in how to correct the situation..... so probably will do nothing.

    Bottom line - audit every bill.
    Last edited by BigJohn; 10-15-2009, 08:33 PM.
    Golden Jubilee was a year-long celebration held every 50 years in which all bondmen were freed, mortgaged lands were restored to the original owners, and land was left fallow: Lev. 25:8-17

    And to think that we pay these people too. Disgusting.

    Give 'em hell my friend!
    All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only.
    Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......


      OMG! What a story!! I am sorry you had to go through this, but honestly I find it comical as I sit here and read this.

      Totally amazing!! That is our tax dollars at work! Lol!!

      Good message...audit EVERY bill! Thanks for this valuable reminder.
      8-07-09-filed Chapter 7

      Life is not what challenges you face, but how you face those challenges.


        That is incredible. I feel like I've been in a situation like that before, over a check, and I had all the other people in the office, laughing at the person. It's always fun when you have witnesses and even a police officer to "laugh" at the situation.

        Keep us updated on the remaining issues!
        Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10)
        Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
        Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog

        Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.




            Wow, they bounced a check and wanted you to pay for it? That's amazing!! Please keep us updated!!!!
            Filed: 5/22/07; 341 Hearing: 6/27/07;
            Confirmed: 8/13/07; DISCHARGED 4/17/2012


              HAHA thats kinda funny!


                Originally posted by BigJohn View Post
                They came back once more and said I bounced a check. I told them NO. She said YES. I told her I paid that bill with a check I had gotten from the State for over paying on a previous bill. It turned out their check bounced and then they turned around and had the nerve to want me to pay for it!
                Something very weird is going on if a State issued check bounced. Not that State or Municipalities don't write bad checks at times...they do. But the checks never bounce to the payee. The banks normally will cover the checks while the government entity scrambles to shift funds around and get money into the accounts.


                  Originally posted by Snickers View Post
                  Something very weird is going on if a State issued check bounced. Not that State or Municipalities don't write bad checks at times...they do. But the checks never bounce to the payee. The banks normally will cover the checks while the government entity scrambles to shift funds around and get money into the accounts.
                  Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                    Originally posted by Snickers View Post
                    SNot that State or Municipalities don't write bad checks at times...they do. But the checks never bounce to the payee.
                    If the check is written and the State of California is the account holder... I'd bounce that check! Matter of fact, I probably wouldn't even accept a check from the State of California. I'd start a cash only policy. LOL
                    Chapter 7 (No Asset/Non-Consumer) Filed (Pro Se) 7/08 (converted from Chapter 13 - 2/10)
                    Status: (Auto) Discharged and Closed! 5/10
                    Visit My BKForum Blog: justbroke's Blog

                    Any advice provided is not legal advice, but simply the musings of a fellow bankrupt.


                      BJ, that is a classic of comedy. Gawd, I sure cain't wait till we git Govmint helth surence so we git good service lik U got. I kin C myself in the mergency room now talking to govmint nurse telling me i'm too old to git that axe remooved from my hade and gif me da purple pill fo my pain and sent me hom.

                      errrrr, barf, choke, gag and buuurp. We sure do need govmint health care.
                      If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


                        Originally posted by AngelinaCatHub View Post
                        BJ, that is a classic of comedy. Gawd, I sure cain't wait till we git Govmint helth surence so we git good service lik U got. I kin C myself in the mergency room now talking to govmint nurse telling me i'm too old to git that axe remooved from my hade and gif me da purple pill fo my pain and sent me hom.

                        errrrr, barf, choke, gag and buuurp. We sure do need govmint health care.

                        "What the hell are you talking about?"

                        I went to the emergency room a few years ago with MRSA and a blood pressure of 320. I got to triage but never was seen. I still had to pay (State law... figures). Another guy in his 30's went to the same hospital. He had MRSA and died in the waiting room after a long wait. Cause of death? One lawyer told me it wasn't from MRSA. It turned out the people at the hospital would not see him and his heart was in the 300's. He died because his heart just gave out.

                        I hope you realize my first comment was a joke.
                        Golden Jubilee was a year-long celebration held every 50 years in which all bondmen were freed, mortgaged lands were restored to the original owners, and land was left fallow: Lev. 25:8-17


                          Originally posted by AngelinaCatHub View Post
                          BJ, that is a classic of comedy. Gawd, I sure cain't wait till we git Govmint helth surence so we git good service lik U got. I kin C myself in the mergency room now talking to govmint nurse telling me i'm too old to git that axe remooved from my hade and gif me da purple pill fo my pain and sent me hom.

                          errrrr, barf, choke, gag and buuurp. We sure do need govmint health care.
                          If you're lucky and the nurse isn't one of Albacore's collector girlfriends she might slip you the little blue pill instead!
                          Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


                            Originally posted by BigJohn View Post
                            "What the hell are you talking about?"

                            I went to the emergency room a few years ago with MRSA and a blood pressure of 320. I got to triage but never was seen. I still had to pay (State law... figures). Another guy in his 30's went to the same hospital. He had MRSA and died in the waiting room after a long wait. Cause of death? One lawyer told me it wasn't from MRSA. It turned out the people at the hospital would not see him and his heart was in the 300's. He died because his heart just gave out.

                            I hope you realize my first comment was a joke.
                            I was emphasizing the fact that almost on every level government workers need no competency. They are almost fire-able proof. The horror stories of the two who died in the ER and your story just means you will die in the line to the ER after 'Bammycare comes in.

                            OhioFiler, How could you condemn me to a little blue diamond shape pill if an "albacore' nurse slipped me one. Sure would die with a smile on my face. LOL. 'Hub
                            If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


                              I have experienced financial horror stories with my own state government's revenue people in the past. Some of the stories are laughable in spite of the pain and annoyance they caused. At least one other episode was scary and dangerous, as it involved the potential for me to be charged with criminal and civil wrongdoing. In each and every case, the state's employees were proven wrong, and the matter resolved in my favor.

                              Nonetheless, as a result of these experiences, I only communicate with state agencies, government, revenue people, etc., via certified mail. I keep a careful record of all phone calls with state customer service personnel. I permanently file anything the state sends to me. This way, if they ever make a mistake again, I can immediately break out the paper trail to establish who's at fault, and who the state individuals are who dropped the ball.


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