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Waiting for phone calls from them, licking envelope with C&D
funny you should bring that up. the azz hat in a loud voice left another message today. I left him a message last week to send me a letter. got the mail today...nothing yet. based on your post guess i'll forgo the DV and just send a C & D.
You can't send a DV and a C&D... the C&D takes precedence over the DV request. You can add to your DV a line that states when it is 'inconvenient' for you to accept phone calls. That then stops the phone calls.
Well so far it hasen't worked with NCO. Going to try and locate their fax # and flood it with letters. mabee then they will get the hint.
cant send them together? or one after the other? I suppose you couldnt send them combined because it just doesnt make sense.
I just sent a DV and a "limited" C&D together in the same letter to Transworld Systems. I said they could only contact me by USPS. I'm thinking that doesn't really contradict - or does it?
Lying awake at night...
Waiting to file...
Roughly $34,000 in credit card debt
No, it sounds like it just implies that you no longer want to receive phone calls. I think that mine says that too, but it kind of implies that it only counts while they obtain validation.
No, it sounds like it just implies that you no longer want to receive phone calls. I think that mine says that too, but it kind of implies that it only counts while they obtain validation.
yes, thats how mine read. DV and no phone calls.mail only, if they should send verification and start the calls again, then i'll send a C/D.
that's what I am waiting for too, but, the first CA that responded to my DV like over a month ago, and never got another phone call, so I think they got the hint.
Its funny, because I expected them to start sending settlement offers, but nothing.
BB has brought up a good point, however, if your letter is clear that they are to cease communicating with you via phone as it is inconvenient, and keep an open line of communication via USPS mail, then the ball is in their court.
Of course you can request verification and state it is inconvenient to receive phone calls in the same letter. You have not told them to cease communications.
The letters could be received by some slacker in the mail room who scans through the letter and only sees what they perceive to be a "cease and desist" communications (of all types) request.
I have used what is often referred to as a "limited cease-and-desist." Of course there is really no such thing. On the other hand, I have received DV returns from some when using this language and from others I have received nothing in terms of DV.
Many CA's probably don't read the letters carefully, and many have been caught in the cease-and-desist trap so they probably just say "screw it" and put your account under wraps. Eventually, the CA has some obligation to notify the OC whether they can collect on the debt. In the meantime, the fact that you requested DV is probably what shut them down; not the C&D.
Funny, I just got my first call from Collect Corp (based on googling the number).
Guess I can figure on getting a letter from them in about a week to 10 days.
filed chapter 13..confirmed...converted to chapter 7...DISCHARGED!
LOL. I feel all the pain and am reliving the learning curve beginning 2+ years ago for myself reading your posts. With the exception of a couple of accounts in the hands of a local CA and an out-of-state (Washington) legal firm, I have no idea where any of my accounts currently are held. I do know one thng. In my experience after accounts made the rounds to a couple of CA's/JDB's and I continued to DV them all, they seem to be "on ice" at the current moment. "Rotting" as a relative suggested. I do see a lot of soft pulls on my credit reports. These seem to come in squalls. I'm guessing that they can see that I have defaulted on all my accounts except a $500 CC. The credit report shows a "disaster" began about 30 months ago. Maybe, at some point, many just say screw it!
You need to get through the first stage of this process. It could be that recent accounts going to default/charge-off are now being sent to collection attorneys who get permission to sue. Perhaps 18 - 30 months ago, the OC's were not willing to go this route.
Oh, yeah, I also have no assets! I do have vehicle (secured) payments I make, but other than assets, I only have wages. Vehicles are totally upside-down. I have no personal property that isn't protected by my state exemptions. Here, personal property includes vehicles.
I think if you can get through the first couple of CA's assigned to the account, and you have no REAL assets, these national CA's/JDB's move on to another account. This was not true for my local accounts and local CA's. For local accounts under the small claims amount here, they sued. Now, I see the local dockets full of hearings where folks are exercising their rights by answering the small-claim summons, or district court summons. The other day I saw where the court docket was full of hearings related to the local CA. I can't imagine the attorney for the local CA can keep all of these accounts sorted out on the days the courts entertain civil contract issues. They (local CA and CA attorney) are probably operating under the idea that most folks won't show for the hearing and get a default judgment.
It is incredibly hard to determine what transpires in a collection case; each individual account must be based on some merit. It never hurts you to exercise your civil rights.
Looks like they got the DV. No calls yesterday on any phones. Tuesday they called my cell phone 3 times, I finally answered, the woman asks for my wife. I said she is not at this # (I did not lie, its my cell phone) and she said she would remove it from the auto dialer but it may take 24 hours.
About 3 months ago, I started writing the CMRR number on my letters. I write it directly below my name and return address. It just seems like a good idea.
I've even learned how to put the green card on where the receipt gets folded and glued on. I could open up my own little booth just help folks out! From all the green cards I now see attached to letters mailed by folks at the PO who don't look like attorneys, etc., I might have a new second job. A few weeks ago, I was down at the PO on another errand and a young couple were waiting in this long line with their blank green card. I showed them where to find the little recipt and how to put everything on the letter. I couldn't help but notice it was addressed to some CA. I didn't mean to get too personal, but I mentioned that, "It appears you have everything under control." The guy said, "Yes, due to all the info on the web and about 80% of our friends are dealing with this." ROFL