Hey everyone, I stopped paying on my credit cards about a year ago. I tried to work with Citi, but I honestly live paycheck to paycheck. There is no extra room to pay the creditors. I just had my mortgage modified and even with that we are barely making ends meet. I can't file a ch 7 until 12/10. I filed a ch 13 for medical reasons in 12/04. Since the laws have changed the BK court in my area requires us to include our mortgage, vehicle payments, and of course intrest, and whatever amount I have to pay the creditors in one lump sum. My husband is self employed and our income is not always steady. I can not be 100% sure I can have the trustee payment in full each month by a certain due date. It is easier to squeeze by when you can have grace periods and seperate due dates.
My question is I have just been sued by Citi for 1700.00. I live in FL and am wondering what to expect. I know I will get a judgement, but at that point will they attach my bank account? I am in school trying to better myself right now and only have two semesters left. I work a part time job and barely make anymone. My husband deposits what he makes into our business account. What happens after they get thier judgment and how awful is the court process. I have arbitration on the 28th and I am scared. I want to pay my creditors, but I don't have the money. I spend day after day crying and praying for a miracle. I never thought I would be living this life. Please any advice is greatly appreciated.
My question is I have just been sued by Citi for 1700.00. I live in FL and am wondering what to expect. I know I will get a judgement, but at that point will they attach my bank account? I am in school trying to better myself right now and only have two semesters left. I work a part time job and barely make anymone. My husband deposits what he makes into our business account. What happens after they get thier judgment and how awful is the court process. I have arbitration on the 28th and I am scared. I want to pay my creditors, but I don't have the money. I spend day after day crying and praying for a miracle. I never thought I would be living this life. Please any advice is greatly appreciated.