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On the Run

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    On the Run

    Hello Everyone,

    I have a friend with a serious illness. She has already run up a lot of medical debt and because of a job loss has massive credit card debt.

    She plans on trying to simply disappear. A bankruptcy is not an option. I have recommended she try to deal with this in a straightforward matter but I understand where she is coming from.

    Anyway other than not applying for credit in her new location I am not sure what else she can do to get some breathing room. She will be living with a friend in New Mexico so she will not need to rent and will have some time to recover from her medical problems.

    Any advice?


    If she is still recovering from her significant medical issues, she needs to do that first before tackling the BK issue.
    Filed CH 7 9/30/2008
    Discharged Jan 5, 2009! Closed Jan 18, 2009

    I am not an attorney. None of my advice is legal advice in any way..


      Your friend is probably depressed and despondent over her illness and debt issues. Running away from the problem solves nothing as it will eventually catch up with her. She really needs to see a counselor or someone from her state social services to evaluate her situation and see what help is available to her. There is always legal aid to help her file BK if she actually has nothing.
      Filed 5 Year Chapter 13: April 2002
      Early Buy-Out: April 2006
      Discharge: August 2006

      "A credit card is a snake in your pocket"


        If she starts running now she way well end up having to run the rest of her life. Some states suspend the statute of limitations if someone leaves the state.

        I can't think of any good reason to not deal with this and get it behind her once she is recovered.
        Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


          if she is "disappearing" she probably wont know if someone eventually gets a judgement against her at her last known address, so be sure to close any bank accts. other than that, if she is truly judgement proof she shouldnt have any problems. i use a postal box at a ups store for an address, they will forward mail to anywhere you want for a couple of bucks. i have one in florida and they forward mail to me in california when ever i ask. creditors still think i live in florida.


            How is bankruptcy not an option? Bankruptcy is ALWAYS an option.

            The emotional response to financial hardship is like the Kubler-Ross grief cycle.
            Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance.

            Sounds like your friend is probably in denial.


              I have a friend who fled to South Africa and then Thailand to escape debts in the UK. Then he came to the US. He had to use a fake passport, work under the table jobs, and never could scrape up enough money to even eat regularly. Bankruptcy, at least in the US, is designed to help people escape this cycle. Eventually he went back to Europe and worked out a payment plan. Now he gets to have a normal life again.

              What I have found is there really is no "escape" from any significant debt unless you don't mind dying. The creditors have not earned my blood, so I am not going to shed it for them. When we go to court in the BK, they will have received a great deal more fair treatment from me than I received from them. It's better than they deserve.
              Scared to file. Scared not to file.


                I agree with HH on the "BK is always an option." While one may have to wait to see what their medical debt issues turn out to be, a future BK should be considered.


                  My husband, myself and even our furkid, a shih-tzu, are Walking Medical Patients. Even though hubby and I have insurance our monthly prescription bill is over $500 a month.

                  I've had 7 surgeries since 5/1/05. Skin cancer surgery just last month. Hubby had 360 back surgery 11/03, two stents in 6/05, 5 bypass surgery 2/07, hospitalized with Severe Cellulitis a week after bypass, pacemaker 6/07. Cellulitis continues to haunt him. He just got out of the hospital Wed. after spending a week with it.

                  Our furkid takes 2 prescriptions a day and is on prescription dog food.

                  If her medical condition is ongoing (like ours), when her 'mentality state' gets in better shape, you might suggest she make Free Consultations to see some Attorneys.

                  We have no control over our medical conditions and when they will 'Flare'. Hubby and I have realized Praying, having our church support, and just having each other is MORE IMPORTANT than our Credit Score.

                  Our Attorney is paid in full and we will be filing a Chapter 7 in Sept. as we need some income to drop off.

                  I wish her a Speedy Recovery. Let her know, she is not alone. I pray she doesn't dig herself in a hole (Depression), because I've been there, and it's tougher climbing out of that Dang Hole than getting there.



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