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How good are they at getting a bank levy?

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    How good are they at getting a bank levy?

    I sold a vehicle recently that I still owed payments on but was right side up on. Long story short, the finance company that loaned the buyers the money, gave me a three party cashiers check. No way can I get this cashed. I have been forced to open a brand new account tomorrow and then the banker says I can pluck the money out the next morning so long as it on deposit by 2:00. I have arranged to have the buyers show up and have their sigs compared, etc., so I can make the deposit. I will be on the job tomorrow until about 1:00 at which time I will remove the money. I had a judgement against me on Feb. 12 and garnishment of wages is okay with me for the limited time I am still here. My fear is what if I get real unlucky and they find this brand new account before I can get the money out. It's about three times the amount garnished and will only be in the bank 23 hours or so. Any one got an idea how good my chances of not getting my money seized in that 23 hour span are?

    I am not sure how long the process it but it would probably be a good idea to open a new account where they haven't found that you had an account. I hope that makes sense.


      Hmm, it is a brand new account, I guess you mean in another city or something. I thought of that, but the three party check the jackass gave me at the finance company forces me to bring two other people in on it. So, I have to chance it for 23 hours plus however long it takes the cashier to get the money out. Makes me nervous, but no one wants to cash a cashiers check these days.


        I don't see how they could even find the account in that amount of time!
        BKForum Blog: The Journey



          Originally posted by Trixie007 View Post
          I don't see how they could even find the account in that amount of time!
          They won't nor could they. Even if they discovered the account the moment it was opened they would still have to file the garnishment and that would take easily a week.
          Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


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