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I've already been sent to collections. When the day I finally get a job again, can I call up the original creditors and set up a pay program with them?
I can only speak from experience here. If the account is in outside collections, then it is extremely difficult to have the original creditor call it back. Its not impossible, but highly improbable.
Other things to consider: How much time has passed before the creditor sent the account to outside collections? Does the collection company own the account, or are they only collecting on behalf of the creditor?
If enough time passes that the account finally winds up owned by a junk debt buyer, then you will not get the original creditor to work with you. In fact, they might not even know where the account is. Once a creditor relenquishes "sells" the debt, the debt can wind up anywhere from a single collection agency to a package of similar debts that are sold as lump sums to other collection-type agencies.
I've already been sent to collections. When the day I finally get a job again, can I call up the original creditors and set up a pay program with them?
Once it leaves the original creditor, they only want a lump sum payment.