Originally posted by dscurlock
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Mann Bracken has several of my accounts and has promptly ceased and desisted upon signing for their cease and desist letters. The only way a civilized society has available to discipline non-felonious misbehavior is to transfer assets from a misbehaver to their victim. It's then all to easy to blame the victim for being selfish. Are Nicole Brown Simpson's parents selfish for taking as much of O.J.'s assets as they can lay their hands on? I bet CPO would have preferred to give Messrs. Mann and Bracken a nice punch in the nose each, but by paying CPO the $2k, their firm now sees the real possibility of paying out the wazoo for thousands and thousands of violations once one little person and his lawyer start spreading the word. Judging from my experience with Mann Bracken, they've now been disciplined into compliance.