I was financed through Santander Auto for my vehicle that I included into BK Chap.7. I was discharged on 10/9/13 and it feels great!!

I called Santander after discharge to confirm that the loan was closed and shows discharged and they originally told me yes it was, Well last week I went to cancel my Gap insurance and Extended warranty for a total refund of $1937.00 at the dealer. The dealer (CarMax) called Santander to verify that the loan was closed and guess what Santander said NO there was still a balance!!...I told them the case was discharged and they can’t collect any payments on this account at all!!!! CarMax policy is they have to send the refund to the lender if the lender states it’s a balance. I made CarMax and Santander call me on a 3way because I don’t owe NOTHING!!!!... So once the refund is received by Santander from CarMax…..Santander then has to turn around and send me a refund check because I believe it’s against the law to still collect payments on the account included into Bankruptcy. Just want to get your thoughts on this situation Thanks!!
