Our BK 7 case was closed/discharged or whatever at the end of March. At that time I got an email from my attorney's office (a legal assistant there) that Bass and Associates wanted me to contact them regarding surrender of my 2011 Macbook Pro and our refrigerator, both bought at Best Buy. I ignored the email.
Our attorney himself confirmed that they would need to get a Writ of Replevin to get the stuff. Macbook Pros do retain their value. I just checked Ebay and mine is going for about $700 there. I can't imagine that they want our fridge, even though it's a decent model. We bought a floor model scratch and dent (Stainless Samsung) for $1000, at the time non-floor models were $1700. Still, too much cost to move, clean, store, and sell. I'm thinking maybe they could get $400 - $500 for it.
No word for months; thought we were in the clear. Then today I just got this email from atty's office again (legal assistant, of course);
"Bob from Bass & Associates (at 855-xxx-xxxx) called regarding the Best Buy merchandise from your bankruptcy. You did not wish to sign a reaffirmation agreement so they hold a surviving lien on the property, and the creditor wants to schedule for the surrender of the merchandise. If you could please contact them on how to proceed this matter can be brought to resolution. If you have questions please contact our office."
Should I just ignore again? Make any response to the attorney's office? How much would it cost B and A to go through the Writ and repo process?
Our attorney himself confirmed that they would need to get a Writ of Replevin to get the stuff. Macbook Pros do retain their value. I just checked Ebay and mine is going for about $700 there. I can't imagine that they want our fridge, even though it's a decent model. We bought a floor model scratch and dent (Stainless Samsung) for $1000, at the time non-floor models were $1700. Still, too much cost to move, clean, store, and sell. I'm thinking maybe they could get $400 - $500 for it.
No word for months; thought we were in the clear. Then today I just got this email from atty's office again (legal assistant, of course);
"Bob from Bass & Associates (at 855-xxx-xxxx) called regarding the Best Buy merchandise from your bankruptcy. You did not wish to sign a reaffirmation agreement so they hold a surviving lien on the property, and the creditor wants to schedule for the surrender of the merchandise. If you could please contact them on how to proceed this matter can be brought to resolution. If you have questions please contact our office."
Should I just ignore again? Make any response to the attorney's office? How much would it cost B and A to go through the Writ and repo process?