Saw my discharge on PACER today! Even printed myself a copy of it.
Hooray, discharge! *in my best Red Stripe voice*
Thank you Minny and everyone for advice and reading my posts. I am looking forward to closing hopefully soon (no asset case.) I will stay around watching the boards as well as reporting on the ongoing work of clearing up credit reports and acquiring new credit.
I also intend to get my own apartment in 4-6 months (I am currently renting a room from someone.) I intend on putting my life back together and running it the right way this time.
Hooray, discharge! *in my best Red Stripe voice*
Thank you Minny and everyone for advice and reading my posts. I am looking forward to closing hopefully soon (no asset case.) I will stay around watching the boards as well as reporting on the ongoing work of clearing up credit reports and acquiring new credit.
I also intend to get my own apartment in 4-6 months (I am currently renting a room from someone.) I intend on putting my life back together and running it the right way this time.