We filed at the end of last week -- we were hoping to put it off a bit longer, but after my son was accosted by a representative from our second mortgage company who came to our home while we were at work, asked for us, and then proceeded to tell him we were late on our mortgage, and then handed him a piece of paper with the "this is an attempt to collect a debt" language
, we decided we should go ahead. I have never heard of this, especially when someone is not quite 3 months behind... It was pretty disturbing, and my son gave the guy my husband's cell number. He never got a call, but we did get a letter a week later saying they were about to begin foreclosure proceedings.
A couple of people I am close to have gone through this, and they both said that we would feel such "relief" when we finally filed. Oddly, I don't feel any relief, just sadness and panic - the latter largely due to the fact that we will be giving up our home, and do not know where we will be going, nor when we will need to do so. We're in a non-judicial foreclosure state, and our attorney tells us that the soonest they could begin foreclosure would be August, with a sale in September, though I know it could be longer.
The big hurdle now is that I need to tell my boss at the small company where I work. Our local paper in the semi-small community where we live believes that bankruptcy is "news" and publishes weekly bankruptcy filings including the name, address, total debt, type of debt, etc. in the paper. I have a good relationship with my employer, who also lives in the same community, and I do not want him to read about it in the paper vs. my telling him about it beforehand. I think it is terrible that this can't be our business, and that we cannot choose to tell who we want to tell and instead all our friends, neighbors and co-workers will see it in print. Not to mention the published foreclosure notice in the future, but those don't stick out the same way they publish the bankruptcy filings...
Sorry for the vent - but this really stinks... We have had perfect credit and always paid our bills on time for over 20 years. The economy tanked, my husband's business began failing, some customers walked on rather large bills with us, and we propped his company and ourselves up with credit cards and 401k withdrawals (stupidest move ever...), so here we are. I know it will get better, but to those who felt the same way I do right now - how long did the "funk" and sleepless nights go on?
Thanks as always for the great folks on this forum who have been so awesome about sharing your time and knowledge!

A couple of people I am close to have gone through this, and they both said that we would feel such "relief" when we finally filed. Oddly, I don't feel any relief, just sadness and panic - the latter largely due to the fact that we will be giving up our home, and do not know where we will be going, nor when we will need to do so. We're in a non-judicial foreclosure state, and our attorney tells us that the soonest they could begin foreclosure would be August, with a sale in September, though I know it could be longer.
The big hurdle now is that I need to tell my boss at the small company where I work. Our local paper in the semi-small community where we live believes that bankruptcy is "news" and publishes weekly bankruptcy filings including the name, address, total debt, type of debt, etc. in the paper. I have a good relationship with my employer, who also lives in the same community, and I do not want him to read about it in the paper vs. my telling him about it beforehand. I think it is terrible that this can't be our business, and that we cannot choose to tell who we want to tell and instead all our friends, neighbors and co-workers will see it in print. Not to mention the published foreclosure notice in the future, but those don't stick out the same way they publish the bankruptcy filings...
Sorry for the vent - but this really stinks... We have had perfect credit and always paid our bills on time for over 20 years. The economy tanked, my husband's business began failing, some customers walked on rather large bills with us, and we propped his company and ourselves up with credit cards and 401k withdrawals (stupidest move ever...), so here we are. I know it will get better, but to those who felt the same way I do right now - how long did the "funk" and sleepless nights go on?
Thanks as always for the great folks on this forum who have been so awesome about sharing your time and knowledge!