Discharged from Chp 7 2 years in August. We have been in a stay and pay situation with our mortgage. Our account changed hands from Aurora Loan Services to Nationstar last year and we were successful with a modification. Payment is a month behind. Received a call from Nationstar telling me I was behind, when the payment as due, etc. I told them this was d/c in bk and they were not legally allowed to call me about it. The woman said they were and asked me my intentions on the loan. I told her we intended to stay and pay. Can they do this? What are they fishing for? Like I would just tell them if we were going to leave (which we may eventually do)? Last month they called me at 7:30am but never completed the call or called back as I told them it wasn't even 8am my time. Aurora never called us once after our d/c.