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Its a start: The mother of all bk ch 7 lawyer questions list. Thoughts?

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    It's a great list. I have to agree with tobee43, the questions I was most concerned about were the ones about "knowing the trustees". My CH7 will be a difficult filing, I make well over the median, but with high taxes, alimony, back taxes and a decent size mortgage. I qualify for CH7, but on the surface it would appear the route best for me is CH13. Due to these circumstances, my attorney said, it's my relationships with the trustees that will get this one pushed through. That's why I think those questios in particular are important.


      Originally posted by mlevesque308 View Post
      It's a great list. I have to agree with tobee43, the questions I was most concerned about were the ones about "knowing the trustees". My CH7 will be a difficult filing, I make well over the median, but with high taxes, alimony, back taxes and a decent size mortgage. I qualify for CH7, but on the surface it would appear the route best for me is CH13. Due to these circumstances, my attorney said, it's my relationships with the trustees that will get this one pushed through. That's why I think those questios in particular are important.
      exactly. actually we were contacted via our atty by email of pending questions from the trustees office that were forwarded to us prior to the 341. i got the nicest response from the trustees office telling me how they appreciated my promptness! and, although, i was a bit caught off guard about one situation which was brought up at the 341 that i thought was resolved, the trustee turned to our atty and said we'll talk about that over lunch this afternoon. i freaked out....but later was told it was just the way to get the issue on the record.

      that is when i really realized how important it was to hire someone that was solely dedicated to bk's and knew how the system worked in our district. i do believe there were other attys in the firm that handled different types of law, like estate, or real estate, i don't think they handled family law, but not certain, they were also some in the firm certified trial attys as well. they were what i considered well rounded.

      so many little firms are just changing their signs and now claiming they do bk's because civil law is so down now and that is so many times is the bread and butter of a firm's financial health. with civil suits down, firms are scrambling to get a share of some business by expending to areas they normally were not handling. not to say they are not good attys, just new to that area of practice.

      we didn't luck out, we interviewed 5 attys before going with one.
      8/4/2008 MAKE SURE AND VISIT Tobee's Blogs! and all are welcome to bk forum's Florida State Questions and Answers on BK


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