After reading quite a few Schedule J threads, I'm nervous about mine. What do you think? Am I going to have to account for these expenses with receipts? I have a breakdown of each line item, so they are accurate.
Transpo is for 10 year old vehicle
Broken down for fuel, regular maintenance, estimated repairs, and roadside assistance
Also, I read on a couple threads that student loans are not allowable expenses. Is this true?
We are a family of 4 in MN. We fall below the median income at $6544/mo.
== Payroll Deductions ==
Taxes/SS $1,749
Health Ins $317.54
Flex Spend $195.36
Bus $40
== Schedule J ==
Rent $1,100.00
Gas & Elec $165.00
Water/Sewer $90.00
Telephone $92.00
Trash $27.00
Home maintenance $45.00
Renter's Insurance $35.00
Internet $65.00
Food $800.00[*]
Clothing $200.00
Laundry $40.00
Medical $90.00
Flex Spending $192.32
Transpo $360.00
Auto Insurance $125.00
Recreation $50.00
State tax repayment plan $200.00
Student loan $110.00
Student loan (2) $125.00
Child care $500.00
Preschool $110.00
[*] Oldest child has Autism and is on special diet. Primary debtor also has special dietary needs. These account for higher food costs.
Oldest child also needs special services (~$400/mo between TEFRA and modifications) that we haven't been able to afford. Wrote this in under reasonably anticipated expenses within a year. I have an itemized list along with associated costs.
Transpo is for 10 year old vehicle
Broken down for fuel, regular maintenance, estimated repairs, and roadside assistance
Also, I read on a couple threads that student loans are not allowable expenses. Is this true?
We are a family of 4 in MN. We fall below the median income at $6544/mo.
== Payroll Deductions ==
Taxes/SS $1,749
Health Ins $317.54
Flex Spend $195.36
Bus $40
== Schedule J ==
Rent $1,100.00
Gas & Elec $165.00
Water/Sewer $90.00
Telephone $92.00
Trash $27.00
Home maintenance $45.00
Renter's Insurance $35.00
Internet $65.00
Food $800.00[*]
Clothing $200.00
Laundry $40.00
Medical $90.00
Flex Spending $192.32
Transpo $360.00
Auto Insurance $125.00
Recreation $50.00
State tax repayment plan $200.00
Student loan $110.00
Student loan (2) $125.00
Child care $500.00
Preschool $110.00
[*] Oldest child has Autism and is on special diet. Primary debtor also has special dietary needs. These account for higher food costs.
Oldest child also needs special services (~$400/mo between TEFRA and modifications) that we haven't been able to afford. Wrote this in under reasonably anticipated expenses within a year. I have an itemized list along with associated costs.