We filed Ch. 7 in . 2011, got discharged papers in 2012. We decided to short sale the house, its been a process of 7 months now. Oct. 2012 Come to find out the trustee left the case open. Attorney said she left the case open and forgot to ask for our a copy of our tax return. By law he said they can leave a case open for 2yrs Attorney was able to exempt it. However Trustee has filed an objection and is trying to collect our 2011 tax refund of 4g. We used the money to buy a car and pay for our move. So we dont even have it anymore. They have a hearing to decided of the trustee will win or if the attorney will win. Has anyone had this happen? Our realtor is getting frustrated and the people who want to buy it are ready to back out. Realtor is trying to hold on to them. However my husband wants to cancel the short sale and move back into the house. I however think we already left that place so why go back. We are in a better place fincially now.
Has anyone had this happen with a trustee? I just thought it was crazy since nothing was brought up at 341 meeting, she wasnt even there. Now she wants to collect the tax retun. I thought once it was discharged thats it. I mean its been over a year now since we got discharged
Has anyone had this happen with a trustee? I just thought it was crazy since nothing was brought up at 341 meeting, she wasnt even there. Now she wants to collect the tax retun. I thought once it was discharged thats it. I mean its been over a year now since we got discharged