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fingers crossed here do know Pam, that you have to quit holding your breath. Blue is never a good color for the face. lol
Sending good vibes your way.
Thanks well today marks 2 weeks and haven't heard a word so I'm breathing a lot better now. We shall see if I hear anything from our lawyer today or over the weekend Pam
Have not heard a word from my lawyer and it's pass the 14 days to see if we failed the means test. I have not checked Pacer and trying hard not to as I would be one to be obsessed and checking all the time. My lawyer said she will let us know when she hears anything asap so I guess no news is good news.
Have not heard a word from my lawyer and it's pass the 14 days to see if we failed the means test. I have not checked Pacer and trying hard not to as I would be one to be obsessed and checking all the time. My lawyer said she will let us know when she hears anything asap so I guess no news is good news.
Another Update
So I could not help myself and checked out pacer the last thing filed was from tt that we are a no asset case and we are awaiting discharged this was on 9/18. Fingers crossed as well as rest of body parts the rest goes well
Another Update
So I could not help myself and checked out pacer the last thing filed was from tt that we are a no asset case and we are awaiting discharged this was on 9/18. Fingers crossed as well as rest of body parts the rest goes well
Filed Ch 13 Feb 9, 2012, 341 meeting Mar 15, 2012, Confirmed Apr 5, 2012
Anticipated freedom party Apr 2015
Another Update
So I could not help myself and checked out pacer the last thing filed was from tt that we are a no asset case and we are awaiting discharged this was on 9/18. Fingers crossed as well as rest of body parts the rest goes well
Another Update
So I could not help myself and checked out pacer the last thing filed was from tt that we are a no asset case and we are awaiting discharged this was on 9/18. Fingers crossed as well as rest of body parts the rest goes well
Sounds like great news.....ALSO sounds like you are in Pretzel Mode. Gotta stay away from that salt tho. pretzels can be good without all that salt.
filed: 8/10 ...341:10/8/10 ... Discharged & Close: 12/9/10
"Nothing is easy to the unwilling" Thomas Fuller
We were over median income by a few hundred dollars. The main objects was on the means test forour fuel oil for heating our home.
We live in a very old home and our fuel cost are like a car payment way over 400 almost 500 a month. We have 4 years of heating cost to show the tt. We used the same amount of oil but the amount to pay for it doubled.
The other was my lawyers doing which was not listing the student loans she said her firm never listed them as they don't look at them anyways so she amended the form to included them all must be good (fingers crossed) as we have not heard a peep. We are coming up on 30 days Oct 15