My wife and I are planning to file in the fall (ch7, pro se, in connecticut.) We currently have 2 cars, a 2011 Subaru and a 2010 Hyundai. We're upside down on both loans - especially the Hyundai since we had negative equity in our trade when we bought it. We really need to have 2 cars. My commute is 30+ minutes and she's a stay at home mom with a preschooler and an infant (well, the infant will be here coincidentally right before we file) and there's no public transportation near us.
1) Can we keep both cars if we reaffirm them? Since we owe more than each car is worth, does that mean that they fall under the exception amount even though there's 2 cars?
Honestly, I wouldn't mind surrendering the Hyundai since we owe so much more on it than its worth and the payments are really high. I have no problem driving a beater - if i could find one for the right price - but that leads to more questions...
2A) Can we reaffirm and keep our Subaru but surrender the Hyundai AND own another car (that presumably I would own outright but would have a value less than the exemption?)
2B) We pass the means test and I earn less than the median income in my state for a family of 4 but our Schedule J and I forms are going to be cutting it close. If I get rid of the Hyundai in bankruptcy, do I still list it as an auto loan on Schedule J? If I don't I'm concerned it may appear that I earn enough (on Schedule I) to cover all our expenses which of course is only true IF I file ch7 and surrender the car. Am I crazy, or is that something to worry about?
Thanks for any insight
1) Can we keep both cars if we reaffirm them? Since we owe more than each car is worth, does that mean that they fall under the exception amount even though there's 2 cars?
Honestly, I wouldn't mind surrendering the Hyundai since we owe so much more on it than its worth and the payments are really high. I have no problem driving a beater - if i could find one for the right price - but that leads to more questions...
2A) Can we reaffirm and keep our Subaru but surrender the Hyundai AND own another car (that presumably I would own outright but would have a value less than the exemption?)
2B) We pass the means test and I earn less than the median income in my state for a family of 4 but our Schedule J and I forms are going to be cutting it close. If I get rid of the Hyundai in bankruptcy, do I still list it as an auto loan on Schedule J? If I don't I'm concerned it may appear that I earn enough (on Schedule I) to cover all our expenses which of course is only true IF I file ch7 and surrender the car. Am I crazy, or is that something to worry about?
Thanks for any insight