I filled Pro Se 7/20/2012
They gave me a filing number right then. Said they will mail the 341 meeting to me
if everything was in order with the Trustee. Didn't say how long that would take,
I really wish I had ask.
I logged onto PACE today to check on one for a friend and thought what the heck.
Checked on my husbands and mine.
Noticed the Trustee just so happens to be one of the lawyers that has
call and wrote us in hopes represent us for bankruptcy. (thought it was weird) Hope it don't hurt us.
Check the fee waiver its says fees waved and Flags said Mensno , debted ..
Proceed in Forma Pauperis
I am not sure why they write this out this way to where you can't understand it well and have to guess.
If anyone can clear any of this up that would be great. Thank you...... I guess I should have researched this before I filed ..
BTW I took screen shots of just the areas I am talking about if needed.