Sorry to be a board hog. We took a small family vacation in April. It was already partially paid for since before Christmas and the deposit was not refundable. At that time, we had no clue we were going to file Chapter 7. We were trying to make things work. Then I found out my hours were going to be cut this summer and we found out the house we were trying to sell was now worth more than 60K less than we owed on it. So after looking at our finances and talking to an atty, we opted to file. Will the trustee see this vacation from April and make an issue of it? It was a beach vacation and we spent $700 on the house for the week to rent and didn't do anything other than go to the beach. Was it the smartest thing to do? Probably not but we were so stressed out all the time that we so desperately needed to get away for a week. Looking back now, I wouldn't have done it. Now I am super stressed about this.
This whole process is giving me an ulcer. I called our attorney but haven't heard back so I thought maybe you resourceful people could give me some feedback. Thanks!
(please no flaming ... we realize how messed up our finances have been and that we are mostly to blame for this) Thanks.
(please no flaming ... we realize how messed up our finances have been and that we are mostly to blame for this) Thanks.