I have been beaten up in court with debt collector lawsuits and judgments and after a scheduled "debtors exam" decided to file Ch 7 before they could seize anything (wow if I only had only known what has happened to me now, then.)
I contacted a local BK attorney who told me my case was an asset BK and more costly to file. So I came up with my last dollar to pay him to file.
What a nightmare this has become. I was told this was going to be a "fresh start" I can see now, I could easily become homeless and unemployed at the same time when this over.
Some of the worst problems
1. I was foreclosed on and lost my home before BK and was forced to move into my business (which was legal within city code) and I have used the homestead exemption to keep my business.
2. I have some vacant lots, which due to zoning problems, are very hard to sell and are non exempt assets.
3. I have had the 341 meeting and my attorney couldn't attend. The BK trustee really gave me the 3rd degree on assets and exemptions.
4. The BK Trustee has filed motion objection to exemptions (all exemptions "in total") without giving any reason or specifics.
5. The Trustee has hired his own law firm to represent himself.
6. My 341 60 day club as been extended to more than 90 days for creditors to file proof of claims.
7. I have no more money to pay my attorney to fight these claims
8. I have now realized that I have signed over my total assets to the trustee through BK filing
So now I truly have nothing.... If this is the "fresh start" everyone talks about I am totally stressed out.
I contacted a local BK attorney who told me my case was an asset BK and more costly to file. So I came up with my last dollar to pay him to file.
What a nightmare this has become. I was told this was going to be a "fresh start" I can see now, I could easily become homeless and unemployed at the same time when this over.
Some of the worst problems
1. I was foreclosed on and lost my home before BK and was forced to move into my business (which was legal within city code) and I have used the homestead exemption to keep my business.
2. I have some vacant lots, which due to zoning problems, are very hard to sell and are non exempt assets.
3. I have had the 341 meeting and my attorney couldn't attend. The BK trustee really gave me the 3rd degree on assets and exemptions.
4. The BK Trustee has filed motion objection to exemptions (all exemptions "in total") without giving any reason or specifics.
5. The Trustee has hired his own law firm to represent himself.
6. My 341 60 day club as been extended to more than 90 days for creditors to file proof of claims.
7. I have no more money to pay my attorney to fight these claims
8. I have now realized that I have signed over my total assets to the trustee through BK filing
So now I truly have nothing.... If this is the "fresh start" everyone talks about I am totally stressed out.