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Gave it a big league try but in the end swung and missed. I have a leased vehicle that will end in 13 months so that will be the biggest hurdle in a 5 year plan as I will need transportation. I guess might have been better to plan the 13 from the get go and would be 7 months closer to the 60 months, but I was willing to give it a try.
We are hopefully looking at a extremely small payment based on actual expenses. I am current on mortgage and car lease so no priority debt to include in plan so don't think I need to include any car payment (maybe except to increase payment to make UST some money).
Will keep everyone posted once attorney files motion to convert and the plan.
Filed: 10/29/2011 Chapter 7
341: Scheduled for December 19, 2011
Just an update for those of you that have been following my thread.
Had hearing in May and the Judge more or less said Convert or I will dismiss, I give you 14 days to make the choice. So in May I converted to Chanpter 13 with a proposed 5% payback to unsecured (Approx $90,000 unsecured) only secured claims will be trustee and attorney's fees. Proposed plan is $135/month for 60 months.
Had 341 hearing August 9th pretty much event free, trustee continued hearing to allow my attorney to file Chapter 13 Means Test, Step-up for when my car lease eends in June 2013 and to agree to give trustee 1/2 of any after tax bonus pay received. Nothing unexpected by my attorney or me. All requested info was filed and 341 was concluded on 9/6.
So now I wait until confirmation hearing on 9/20 to see if they confirm the plan or ask for more.
Filed: 10/29/2011 Chapter 7
341: Scheduled for December 19, 2011
$135/mo for 60 months ='s $8,100.00. Not too bad. Get the Plan Confirmed and do not rock the boat over the 60 months as once Confimred, all should be smooth sailing.
I will have to file Motion to Incure Debt when lease is up but attorney said should not be an issue, just keep payment at or below current payment and I should be ok. Said the trustee does not really ask for tax returns so as long as income does not increase more than 10% at one time pay raises should get through. I have a little concern is if I recieve a pay increase before I file motion to incure dept for car next June they will look at income and expenses again and ask for more. Beyond that I guess all is ok.
Filed: 10/29/2011 Chapter 7
341: Scheduled for December 19, 2011