I received my discharged today. Its been 14 months since my wife and I accepted the reality that we couldn't pay the credit cards anymore and decided we need to talk to a BK attorney.
This forum help me in ways that no book, attorney, or priest could have. After months of paralyzing anxiety, the advice from the posters on this forum put me at ease pretty quickly. You helped me realize that it was not the end of the world. I've found life is actually better now than stealing from Peter to pay Paul, and being afraid of any stigma of being a "deadbeat."
To those who are new here, trying to figure out the best next step of your lives. This is a great place. There are wonderful people here to help you. If you haven't filed yet,
and need to, this is as bad as it gets. It only get easier every day when you make that decision to file. Check in here often. You will learn 100 times more here than from your attorney.
Thank you to all the posters. You put my world at ease. I did not post much, but I have read the forum pretty much every day the last 14 months, and I've benefited more than you'll ever know.
This forum help me in ways that no book, attorney, or priest could have. After months of paralyzing anxiety, the advice from the posters on this forum put me at ease pretty quickly. You helped me realize that it was not the end of the world. I've found life is actually better now than stealing from Peter to pay Paul, and being afraid of any stigma of being a "deadbeat."
To those who are new here, trying to figure out the best next step of your lives. This is a great place. There are wonderful people here to help you. If you haven't filed yet,
and need to, this is as bad as it gets. It only get easier every day when you make that decision to file. Check in here often. You will learn 100 times more here than from your attorney.
Thank you to all the posters. You put my world at ease. I did not post much, but I have read the forum pretty much every day the last 14 months, and I've benefited more than you'll ever know.