I filed alone, my husband isn't filing. We are current on mortgage and HELOC; I don't want to reaffirm either, and my husband wants to me to do a quit-claim on the house after all is said and done so that he can re-fi in his name alone.
For years the HELOC has been automatically withdrawn from my husband's bank account. This month it was not (even after I was told it would be). I anticipated this, but it was still a little unnerving to see it not debited. In any case, he walked the payment in today, so no biggie.
For the main mortgage payment, I have it set up for the payment to be mailed from the bank and arrive to them by the 10th of each month.
I'm going to talk to the HELOC bankruptcy department tomorrow, but is there any way for them to keep communicating with my husband, since he isn't filing? I mean if it's not addressed to me or taken from a bank account bearing my name, how is it collecting from me? KWIM?
Any BTDT or hints/tips? Thanks
For years the HELOC has been automatically withdrawn from my husband's bank account. This month it was not (even after I was told it would be). I anticipated this, but it was still a little unnerving to see it not debited. In any case, he walked the payment in today, so no biggie.
For the main mortgage payment, I have it set up for the payment to be mailed from the bank and arrive to them by the 10th of each month.
I'm going to talk to the HELOC bankruptcy department tomorrow, but is there any way for them to keep communicating with my husband, since he isn't filing? I mean if it's not addressed to me or taken from a bank account bearing my name, how is it collecting from me? KWIM?
Any BTDT or hints/tips? Thanks