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My Atty laughed about me having a PACER acct !!! *LOL*

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    My Atty laughed about me having a PACER acct !!! *LOL*

    Today we went to the atty's office to sign the forms regarding my post-filing financial counseling class. We sat and chatted for a bit and he nearly fell over when we commented that I had a PACER account !!! He said that in all his years in this business, he has NEVER encountered a CIVILIAN (or non-legal person) to have a PACER acct!! He said that there were very few LAWYERS in the city (where he works) who even have a PACER acct !!! He was incredulous and quite amused. He understands the reason behind it, but had never encountered a client who actually SIGNED-UP for one! He tried to scoff about the fact that they charge you, etc., and I explained about the >$10, etc. etc. He was just amazed that we knew all about that.

    He was even MORE incredulous when he found out that we actually sought counsel, support, and information on INTERNET FORUMS! He thought that was hilarious. I had mentioned that I needed to find a support group and talk to people who had been through this process before and commented about learning what to wear, what not to wear, etc. He nearly fell over again and said........ "There's an internet forum specifically designed to tell you WHAT TO WEAR TO YOUR 341 ???!!!" He was DYING of laughter. I said..... "NO, not just that, but LOTS of helpful information and guidance about the whole process." Although he knows his business, fowards and backwards and is very thorough, he is not very tech-saavy and is just incredulous about how much research and preparation we've done on our own, especially on the internet. *LOL*

    I find it amazing that he has never encountered this before. Granted, we live in central PA and it's pretty rural outside of the major cities, but this particular city is not small and we just found it surprising.

    Oh, just thought we would share our humorous experience from today.

    Filed 5/20/11
    341 Meeting 7/6/11
    Awaiting Discharge..........

    I think you have a nice and good atty!!!

    I wouldn't know what I would do/have done w/out this forum. I'm deeply grateful for this place.

    And yes - I'm a PACER-holic now.


      LOL!! Especially at him thinking you found a site dedicated to telling you what to wear at your 341.

      From what we read here about some people's experiences with attorneys, I think a lot of attorneys might better serve their clients if they knew about this forum!
      LadyInTheRed is in the black!
      Filed Chap 13 April 2010. Discharged May 2015.
      $143,000 in debt discharged for $36,500, including attorneys fees. Money well spent!


        Originally posted by IamOld View Post
        I think you have a nice and good atty!!!

        I wouldn't know what I would do/have done w/out this forum. I'm deeply grateful for this place.

        And yes - I'm a PACER-holic now.
        Hey, I-am-old, and Lady in Red, I take a negative opinion of the lawyer. IF he knows of PACER, I would say, he is intimidated, and when it was mentioned, he downed it in fact of the charges. That is a controllable bill. Ten bucks is a LOT of pages and the charges do not roll over to the next month.

        If, he found out that the OP could actually pick up on his lack of action due to the Forum, he is doubting his own abilities.

        I think he is intimidated by the knowledge base our OP is addressing. A lawyer with nothing to hide, and has some experience would have known of PACER and suggested it, as well as been knowledgeable regarding this and other forums.

        I'm not impressed with the lawyer our host has. 'Hub
        If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


          Well, I still hope it was a good natured laugh...I for one wouldn't DARE tell my atty that I have PACER...good grief no....

          Originally posted by AngelinaCatHub View Post
          Hey, I-am-old, and Lady in Red, I take a negative opinion of the lawyer. IF he knows of PACER, I would say, he is intimidated, and when it was mentioned, he downed it in fact of the charges. That is a controllable bill. Ten bucks is a LOT of pages and the charges do not roll over to the next month.

          If, he found out that the OP could actually pick up on his lack of action due to the Forum, he is doubting his own abilities.

          I think he is intimidated by the knowledge base our OP is addressing. A lawyer with nothing to hide, and has some experience would have known of PACER and suggested it, as well as been knowledgeable regarding this and other forums.

          I'm not impressed with the lawyer our host has. 'Hub


            Great post... got a chuckle just reading through it!

            It's funny how the things that matter most to us CIVILIANS are the things that send some attorneys into fits of laughter. Just goes to show how priceless this forum really is. My lawyer was really suprised by how prepared I was, too (thanks, forum!). Now that I think of it, If I was a BK attorney, I would be scared s&!tless by clueless clients (thanks, again, forum!).
            OK - from now on it's not a "Bankruptcy." It's a "Weight Loss Program." I'm in. Sign me up.


              Originally posted by IamOld View Post
              Well, I still hope it was a good natured laugh...I for one wouldn't DARE tell my atty that I have PACER...good grief no....

              LOL! 'olde'. Why not? Of course you know when I went under, we were totally spaced in intellect about BK. From here, I have learned one basic thing; The lawyer is YOUR employee, and you are his customer.

              Once I was educated, I took my lawyer to Court for her gross ineptitude. It was too late as I was about discharged, but I got my due as she lost a day, my Trustee and other peers of her's, showed and she now knows her failings. Gorsh, she was bad. Anyway, I from my framepoint, see a little problem. It is probably nothing, and totally innocent but from my poor experience he looks suspiciously intimidated by the modern touch as well as the fact his client is now becoming informed as I am now due to this forum. Just my take. 'Hub
              If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


                Originally posted by Peeps View Post
                Great post... got a chuckle just reading through it!

                It's funny how the things that matter most to us CIVILIANS are the things that send some attorneys into fits of laughter. Just goes to show how priceless this forum really is. My lawyer was really suprised by how prepared I was, too (thanks, forum!). Now that I think of it, If I was a BK attorney, I would be scared s&!tless by clueless clients (thanks, again, forum!).
                Hey there PeeP. I guess with what Mrs. and I went through, I am suspicious of bk lawyers as we had such an unnecessary and expensive experiences with our. I troll on the negative when it comes to lawyers. Our wonderful lawyer who are members here, are grand exceptions. We have about three who all refuse to take advertisement credit LAZ gave them so as to be honest and up front for a legit helping heart. I shall not mention their penn names but if you can thing of any who are here, you will know. I salute them all. Isn't this a wonderful place Peep? I have learned and now I teach. I am so proud to inform a person of errors that may be made. 'Hub
                If I knew it all, would I be here?? Hang in there = Retained attorney 8-06, Filed 12-28-07, Discharge 8-13-08, Finally CLOSED 11-3-09, 3-31-10 AP Dismissed, Informed by incompetent lawyer of CLOSED status, October 14, 2010.


                  Kudos to you Angelina! Of course I try to be humble when meeting with atty....I am a coward when it comes to this....

                  Originally posted by AngelinaCatHub View Post
                  LOL! 'olde'. Why not? Of course you know when I went under, we were totally spaced in intellect about BK. From here, I have learned one basic thing; The lawyer is YOUR employee, and you are his customer.

                  Once I was educated, I took my lawyer to Court for her gross ineptitude. It was too late as I was about discharged, but I got my due as she lost a day, my Trustee and other peers of her's, showed and she now knows her failings. Gorsh, she was bad. Anyway, I from my framepoint, see a little problem. It is probably nothing, and totally innocent but from my poor experience he looks suspiciously intimidated by the modern touch as well as the fact his client is now becoming informed as I am now due to this forum. Just my take. 'Hub


                    ooops... I'm not sure from your post, but I didn't mean to offend if that's what I did. One of the things that makes the forum so great is that people bring all sorts of experiences from good to bad. Sorry you had a bad experience with your attorney. No doubt about it, there are also some great lawyers out there too! It's awesome to have our resident legal experts and our 'gifted-by-experience' experts here at the bk forum.

                    The reference to clueless clients stems from observations at a 341 hearing. A fair number of people were hiding cash, hiding tax returns, and were outright deceptive with assets. Some if it was intentional and some was, uhm, innocent hoarding. I still felt a little bit bad for all of the squirming attorneys who were put in uncomfortable positions. Maybe they needed to do more due diligence; or maybe they did, who knows. Maybe they were victims of their clients' selective communications. Whatever the case, I would personally find it very uncomfortable to have my career put on the line by clients who don't educate themselves about the big legal step they're taking (thank you forum!) or worse, by people who have educated themselves just enough to think they're smart enough to hide a little somethin'.

                    I think it's hysterical that the lawyer in the original post thinks we have nothing better to talk about than what to wear to our 341s! It's just funny (and maybe a little bit sad) on so many levels.
                    OK - from now on it's not a "Bankruptcy." It's a "Weight Loss Program." I'm in. Sign me up.


                      It sounds like this lawyer needs to forum-up and join the board
                      to lurk---and probably learn some things around here---and my
                      attorney kept telling me that I was overly conscientious---and
                      where did I learn certain things that he was surprised I knew---
                      and I said that in both instances---I was well educated at the BKForum.


                        A similar thing happened to me when after our 341 I asked our atty's paralegal about something I saw on Pacer. She was incredulous. "You can't get on to Pacer" "That's only for Attys." "Who are you, really?" Etc. Hilarious.


                          LOL...great post. I told my attorney, after he told me he was filing my case, that I would check first thing in the morning on Pacer. He said..."You have a Pacer account, wow, you really are prepared." He seemed a bit surprised but not taken aback or anything.
                          Chapter 7 Filed: 04/21/2011, 341 Meeting: 05/31/2011, Report of No Distrubution: 06/02/2011, Discharged: 08/03/2011, Closed: 08/10/11


                            Funny, when I mentioned this forum and reading about expenses online my attorney told me I read too much! I guess he didn't like me questioning how high the expenses were put to qualify me for the 7. I told him what he was doing was not needed, I easily qualified with the normal allowances. Of course, he ignored me and put it all real high. We had a discussion prior to the 341 where I told him I was going to hand the ball to him if any got questioned. He once again said I was using the internet too much and he knew what trustee would accept.

                            Well, he was right, they never blinked an eye. However, I did inform him that this forum was a life-saver for me. If not for the great folks here, I would have filed sooner and had a problem with a 24,000 balance transfer!!! (Of course, I still have 53 days to sweat that one but I think it will be fine).
                            Filed CH 7 4/15/11
                            341 5/23/11
                            DISCHARGED & CLOSED ON 7/27/11


                              It was a great feeling meeting our attorney for the first time and having a lot of knowledge about bankruptcy due to

                              We didn't give away that we knew so much, but we did keep our questions concise and relevant and didn't waste his time.

                              Also, I did contact him when I saw things on Pacer that I was confused about, like why our trustee would recuse himself.

                              Thanks to this site, our bankruptcy filing went very smoothly!
                              Filed Chapter 7 July 2010
                              Attended 341 September 2010
                              Discharged November 2010 Closed November 2010


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