I currently have a pro se Chapter 7 filed and I'm waiting for my 341 meeting. I checked PACER today and noticed that there is an entry on the History/Deadline screen that says: "Incomp. Filings (521 Deadline)" It was entered on the date the petition was filed (04/22/2011) and has a deadline listed of 06/06/2011 (which is 5 days after my 341 meeting).
All of my Deficiency Notices have been cured (there were three of them) and the remaining items on the History/Deadline screen are satisfied. Is this "Incomp. Filings" entry a placeholder for any changes the Trustee would like to see added to by file post-341 meeting?
There are documents (taxes, bank statements, and Local Form Q (related to paystubs) that were required (and sent) to the Trustee (and not filed with the Court) pursuant to a letter I received from the Trustee in which he introduced himself. Could it be related to these documents? (As a side note, my 341 meeting is scheduled for June 1, so these tax/banking documents have a "deadline" on them of May 25 (i.e. one week prior to the 341 meeting)...(not June 6 as might be suggested by this "Incomp. Filings" notation.)
Any thoughts?
All of my Deficiency Notices have been cured (there were three of them) and the remaining items on the History/Deadline screen are satisfied. Is this "Incomp. Filings" entry a placeholder for any changes the Trustee would like to see added to by file post-341 meeting?
There are documents (taxes, bank statements, and Local Form Q (related to paystubs) that were required (and sent) to the Trustee (and not filed with the Court) pursuant to a letter I received from the Trustee in which he introduced himself. Could it be related to these documents? (As a side note, my 341 meeting is scheduled for June 1, so these tax/banking documents have a "deadline" on them of May 25 (i.e. one week prior to the 341 meeting)...(not June 6 as might be suggested by this "Incomp. Filings" notation.)
Any thoughts?