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Orange County, CA

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    Orange County, CA

    Does anyone know where you could go to get recommendations for an attorney? I saw Xxxxxx Xxxxx in Irvine and the only reviews I find are Yelp which I know can be bogus. I had a good consult but just want to see if there are any avenues to check references.

    Thanks in advance..
    Last edited by AngelinaCat; 05-14-2011, 08:29 AM. Reason: Removed proper name

    Hello overthedebt2, welcome to the Forum. I crossed out the proper name in your post as it is against forum rules to post people's names on the public side. If someone has a recommendation for you, they are more than welcome to send you a Private Message (PM).

    "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

    "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


      Oh, sorry! Thank you.


        You can narrow your search down by getting the list of "certified" bankruptcy attorneys at the CA State Bar's website which is here.

        Good luck to you!
        There are two secrets for success in life:
        1.) Never tell everything you know.


          You may also try calling the clerk of the BK Court in your district, and ask for a list of recommendations. Technically they aren't supposed to do that, but the odds are that you will get a name or two, that the personnel in the clerk's office like to deal with. Remember that they deal with these people every day and know which attorneys are well prepared, professional, on time, etc., as well as those that are slip-shod, late, badly organized, or are just plain unpleasant to deal with.

          Good luck to you
          Last edited by AngelinaCat; 05-14-2011, 10:37 AM. Reason: grammar
          "To go bravely forward is to invite a miracle."

          "Worry is the darkroom where negatives are formed."


            Yikes! I just used that link and my attorney was actually suspended in 1999 for 2 years for misconduct in Personal Injury cases. I guess I have to start all over now. :/ I didn't pay the retainer but did sign paperwork with him. Am I stuck now? Ughhh. Now I need to look for an attorney once again..


              You're not stuck. You have the right to cancel the agreement. Also, until you pay something I don't think representation even begins. Just unretain him.
              There are two secrets for success in life:
              1.) Never tell everything you know.


                Thank you, debee! I found a few more attorneys on the link provided. More consults.. I just wish I could get the process started. I just stop paying my minimums 5 days ago. Already I'm getting nasty messages.


                  You have to grow a thick skin when it comes to those messages. There are some good threads on the forum about dealing with creditors. Hang in there.
                  There are two secrets for success in life:
                  1.) Never tell everything you know.


                    I signed up with the 1st attorney I consulted with...big mistake. It wasn't until AFTER I found this site, read everything I could, that I realized that my attorney was WRONG! I prepared myself, made a list of questions to ask and consulted 6 more BK attorneys. As for the nasty calls...hang in there, you are just going to have to face up to them until you retain an attorney and can direct those calls to him/her (another questions that should be on your list!). It took over a year for me to get my BK stuff together, fortunately, I was able to forward all collection calls to him. Good Luck!
                    May 2008 Hired 1st Attorney/Stopped paying CCs
                    May 21, 2009 Retained 2nd Attorney
                    May 28th - Filed for Ch 7 (FINALLY!)
                    9/11/09 - DISCHARGED!!!!


                      Thanks Liz! Would you PM me the name of your attorney? I've consulted with a few. How did you get such a quick discharge? Is it typically that fast??


                        Love me my Google voice!

                        Keep On Smilin'


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